chronic CH

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Posted by tommie on October 26, 2001 at 04:57:04:

I was wondering if any out there might have a connection between food and blood sugar and cluster headaches. I have been suffering from what i suspect is a form of the chronic cluster headaches fro about 6 years now. However, if I eat every 3-4 hours, I can avoid the demons. I get the classic intense CH pain (one eye only, nasal congestion on that side, tearing red eye, light and sound sensitivity, ect.). However, they occur all year long. been to a couple of doctors who just try to medicate me. I have always had a sensitivity to any drug so i stay away from them. furtunately, i can use aspirin or ibuprofen to avoid a bout but it must be taking very early in the bout or it is worthless. if i eat when i feel one coming on, it almost always subsides (again timing is key). this condition has affected my life and it is starting to scare me. I avoid some social situations because i feel so embarassed when I get a headache in front of people and it only intensifies it. alone, i usually can almost meditate my way out of it (only sometimes).

If anyone out there has a similiar situation, please resond to this message

thanks and don't let these demons control your life.


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