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   Author  Topic: serotonin  (Read 1406 times)
New Board Newbie



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Re: serotonin
« Reply #25 on: Jan 16th, 2003, 11:38am »
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Clusters are not diet or exercise related for me. I've eaten and exercised good for many years and had episodic cycles come and go during that period. In one case I was carefully writing down everything I ate in a training diary so I know that before, during, and after the cluster I didn't change my diet or detox. The cluster simply happened. (Actually it was triggered I think by staying a week and half in the high altitudes of Denver, something I'm not used to.)
Everyone's different though, and if a modified diet works for other people, great for them. Anything that results in less headaches is good.
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Re: serotonin
« Reply #26 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 1:06am »
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another month pain free and the christmas holidays and one of my normal cycle times come and gone with no problems. Whoopee!
brathbone - I used to think my CH were triggered by altitude or high/low air pressure or changes in the weather, but not so sure nowadays. I can't seem to make the link now as I did 20 years ago. They are definately seasonal though for me, and maybe diet (and exervise?) does play a part as this also changes with the seasons for most people.
As you say maybe its different strokes for different folks.
I'm sticking by my detox regime every 3 months or so to keep my ch at bay until proven otherwise. I will only admit defeat if the ch come back after all my efforts. I promise to bow and scrape to Ueli, Ted and many others if the do.
Right now I have to believe I am right and the rest of you are wrong - it is my only hope for a cure for me.
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Re: serotonin
« Reply #27 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 3:53am »
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I agree with you. I take your posts seriously.
I have been pain free for the longest time without any medication. I found a cure for my CH. I do get mild shadows sometimes but not the beast.
Good luck to all
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Re: serotonin
« Reply #28 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 8:03am »
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Hi Nasser
Where have you been for so long?
Don't let the flamers get you down. Just ignore the fuckers (starting to sound like Jonny now?) like I do now.
What have you been doing to keep the beast at bay?
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Re: serotonin
« Reply #29 on: Jan 17th, 2003, 9:38am »
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Hi John
I am still around...Pain free
Swimming daily, occasinal head reflexology and massages (preventive measures).. Sleeps regularly.. drink lots of water, balanced diet, stress tabs (vitamins  + zinc) and green tea..... and regular head and facial excercises. It sounds simple but works. I consider myself lucky because I work in a health club and everything I need is handy.
And lots of snake oil (lol just kidding)
PF for all
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Do the do before the do does you
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Posts: 7
Re: serotonin
« Reply #30 on: Jan 22nd, 2003, 2:00am »
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I've gone more than 4 years between clusters without "detox" or any of the other snake oil that just removes money from people's wallets. And I've known people who have gone 10 years between clusters without any natural crap.
It's just the nature of the headaches, they come and go. That's why they're called clusters.
If people must have a superstition so they can believe they'll never have a cluster again, why not go back to the water treatment which used to be around here, 8 glasses a day = no clusters? At least that doesn't cost any money.
To each their own, but I just hate to see fellow cluster heads told their headaches are their own fault (for not detoxing) and being told to throw their money away on snake oil.
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Re: serotonin
« Reply #31 on: Jan 22nd, 2003, 2:20am »
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hey rathbone
who said anything about detoxing having to cost money!
I try and drink 8 glasses of water every day and have done so for the past 9 months. I too hope it will keep ch at bay.
As for the belief that they may be caused by what we are doing to ourselves well I am entitled to my opinion until absolutely proven otherwise.
All I know is that the past almost 10 months now I have been TOTALLY headache free. That includes free from the tension HA, migraines, dull annoying headaches etc that I have suffered from all my life (I'm 51)
I too have had some long breaks from ch in the past but have never had a break from the "normal day to day" headaches that billions suffer from. Just look at the volume of OTC pain relief products to see how many suffer from HA!
The medical world has no absolute conclusive proof of reason for ch and no known cure either. The fact is no one really knows the cause, they just have theories (like me). All we are offered is drugs to temporarily relieve the symptoms.
Do yourself a favour and try a detox and see if it helps. If it doesn't - well at least you tried it, and all it should cost you is some TIME, EFFORT and RESEARCH.
How many of you guys out there have tried my so called "cure"? No one has ever yet posted that they tried it and failed!
Don't critiscise what you have not yet tried for yourself. If you are really suffering so badly you will be prepared to try anything. When I was offered this advice I also thought it was bullshit, but my wife persuaded me to give it a go and now I have no regrets.
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Get Thee Gone Destroyer of Dreams


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Re: serotonin
« Reply #32 on: Jan 24th, 2003, 2:01pm »
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Hi jm (and everybody) -
I'm still out here too, but I get slack about checking this forum when I'm PF. Like you - detox, diet, water, breathing techniques, meditation and excercise has given me my life back.  ;D
Since you were trying the same thing, I've thought about you now and then and wondered how you were. I'm really glad to hear that it's still working for you, too. I hope that others can find some relief through lifestyle changes.
As for why some folks' HA are triggered by certain foods and others' aren't, consider how allergies work. One guy's breathing shuts down if he eats shrimp. The guy sitting next to him can eat it with gusto and go looking for seconds. Allergies also cause headaches, rashes, and other physical reactions. I suggest that the environmental and food borne chemicals that you mention are allergens to some and not to others.  
I could be full of hooey - but if being full of hooey means being PF without drugs, I'm OK with that.  Cool
I wish a PF/DF and happy New Year to all.
(and a Happy Friday, too)
- Starfire
« Last Edit: Jan 24th, 2003, 2:17pm by Starfire3 » IP Logged
New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: serotonin
« Reply #33 on: Jan 27th, 2003, 12:53am »
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Hi Starfire
Thanks for the support and for thinking of me from time to time. I really needed to hear this.
You are one of the few people on this board that I know of to try the detox "cure". I am so glad it is having a positive effect for you. Any others out there who used it please post about it. If not then try it out for yourself.
My dreaded cycle is due to start around March so I am preparing to fight it off next month before it starts.
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Get Thee Gone Destroyer of Dreams


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Re: serotonin
« Reply #34 on: Jan 27th, 2003, 7:50am »
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Wish U luck with Springtime.  
It's a time I dread and love. I'm prepping for it by getting even more chem-crap out of my life.  
I've tossed out most commercial household cleaners - some of them used to trigger HA for me so they are gone. Now I use vinegar, baking soda, dish soap and the new citrus and oxygen cleaners. I still do use bleach and ammonia but I do it very sparingly and with good ventilation. It's amazing how well these natural cleaners work.
I usually have a bad time of it early January. I believe that this is because I usually eat a lotta crap - sugar and preserved/prepared foods binge - during the holidays.  
Didn't do that this time and January was not as bad this year. I had a few shadows but they most stayed that way. I had one HA of note and it was only about kip-6. I hope that as I wrestle my habits back under control, the shadows will start to recede, too. This 'missed' cycle doesn't prove squat, but for me, it tends to re-inforce our theory.  
I have to admit that I've never achieved complete HA free living (just kept them under kip 6), but I have never actually gone all organic before either. Must admit - this wrestling of habits is tough. I really want to be lazy about things, LOL.
But seeing some success will keep me honest. Changes like this take time. My body has to rebuild nutrient stores and clear out chemical crap, some of which is stored in fat cells.
Still, because I did manage to control the worst of my HA without drugs for a long time while I had better lifestyle habits; and because my beast grew claws again when I got lazy; and because he is sheathing his claws again now that I'm being careful again, I'm content that I'm on the right path for me.  
As for the list that started this thread. I agree. Water, stress management, excercise and sunshine really matter. Basically, removing as much stress from the body as possible gives the body a strong, neutral starting point to fight from. I'm still looking at supplements, but again, giving the body the basic building blocks it needs makes sense and some are missing from our diets because we don't eat stuff that we used to eat (tripe, ugly vegetables, odd mushrooms, etc).
PFDAN to all.
- Starfire
« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2003, 8:13am by Starfire3 » IP Logged
New Board Hall of Famer

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Re: serotonin
« Reply #35 on: Jan 27th, 2003, 8:26am »
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HI Starfire
For me on the southermost tip of Africa in Capetown it is summer now and my cluster come in either december or march/april which autumn (fall) for us.
I don't really take the "organic route" as it is just too expensive. I try and avoid the preservatives, msg, salt, wheat and sugars as much as possible. To me that means only eating fresh food as much as possible and avoiding tinned or ready made crap and fast foods if I can. I try and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible and cook using olive/peanut/nut/vegetable oils
with less red meat and more fish and chicken than I used to eat before. I still like to drink beer and wine (and anything else) and still eat some chocolate and stuff, but try and be moderate when I can.
Every 3 months I do a good clean out for a week and then I plan a full on detox for a month starting in February to try and ensure I get past the cycle with getting struck by ch. For me I believe that wheat is the biggest factor, and I have all but given it up.
I intend to keep posting on this subject until I have proved conclusively that my "cure" works. I would love to hear from any others who have really tried it themselves.
To those who don't believe that ch is caused by something they can control themselves by diet, well I'm sorry you don't like hearing it from me, but even though you think you are doing nothing "wrong" you may, as starfire says be slightly allergic to certain foods without knowing it.
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Migraines are bad. Clusters are Hell, I have both


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Re: serotonin
« Reply #36 on: Jan 27th, 2003, 12:02pm »
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JM and Starfie
I have been watching this subject for a while since my  
original posts to it and I am amazed at how you guys have at least convinced yourselves re: Detox.
 2 years ago  I have cleaned up my act and also detoxed my body twice.
I don't smoke, drink or eat unhealthy anymore .
 I do take crap for my cluster because without it I would be in a worse hell than I am now. I have been Cronic for 14 months and counting.
I cannot see detoxing again while still cronic. It did not help me when I detoxed 2 years ago. It actually got worse probably not from detoxing but from some other influence.
Believe what you want and what floats you collective boats. I know it is not a solution that works or will work for me.
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Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional

Life is too short so push thru the _amn pain.

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Get Thee Gone Destroyer of Dreams


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Re: serotonin
« Reply #37 on: Jan 27th, 2003, 3:29pm »
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I guess first off, it's important to remember that while many people try new meds and therapies, nobody is trying to convince themselves of anything. We are all looking for results.  
If you tried this and it didn't give you results, then either it's not part of the answer for you or you didn't finish detoxing your body. Overall, it's no different than when people try O2 or meds that don't work for them. Except, of course, this method has no downside for your body so it's a good place to start.
I'm sorry to hear that it didn't help you at all. Avoiding additives and chemicals is a relatively straightforward change - if not actually easy to do. The changes John and I are talking about are more than just taking a detox and calling it done. It's a committment that takes work.
Besides the obvious problem - it's hard to say no to yourself when your buddies are all chowing down on buffalo wings and beer - it's not easy to find clean food at all sometimes, let alone at an affordable price. Restaurant and salad bar food is usually loaded with preservatives, for example. Grocery store chickens are actually only 6 weeks old, but have been pumped full of hormones and stuff to make them grow faster. All of this is passed on to our cells when we eat the food.  
One thing that has been made very clear on this forum is that each of us is different. O2 is magic for some, useless for others. Certain meds work for some, do nothing for some, and negatively impact others. Toxins in MY body apparently make me more susceptible to a headache and reducing the toxins (along with other lifestyle changes) helps me control my headaches.  
The important thing is that you tried it before saying it didn't work for you.  
« Last Edit: Jan 27th, 2003, 3:32pm by Starfire3 » IP Logged
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