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Hoping..... (Read 22407 times)
CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Dec 10th, 2008 at 9:31am
Well, we're off to Gary's 2nd appt with the neuro at Montefiore.  We've ruled out PH with the indomethican.  He's bumping up the verapamil dose now as per earlier instruction.  But neuro wanted to take the med route slow, looking for an explanation for the fever episodes.  Saw 2 infectious disease docs, got the high res MRI, and Gary's been a good pincushion - so far no explanation.  But we have little faith in the two ID docs he saw, neither would order a spinal (to check for meningitis) and we asked the neuro a couple of weeks ago to get Gary hooked up with one there (wait to see anyone good out this way is now into March).

So we'll see what happens today.  We're armed with more info from wonderful people from this site (THANK YOU!), and I'm hoping doc will be willing to start Gary on lithium, which he still hasn't ever been prescribed yet!   Shocked

Got my fingers crossed!


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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 9:46am
Laurie, has Gary been to an endocrinologist for thyroid testing by any chance? I was just thinking out loud on this since you mentioned it in earlier threads… I have an overactive thyroid myself and the doc wanted to kill it a bit with radiation and of course I declined.

I only mention this as a possible reason for the fevers. PF’s to Gary, Roland. Wink
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #2 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 9:48am
good luck.  I will be thinking of you today.

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #3 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 10:05am
I'll be thinking of you both as well, Laurie. 

The fact that Lithium is a route that Gary has not tried makes me hopeful!  It has help so many... Maybe it will be Gary's silver bullet too!

Hugs to you,

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #4 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 12:49pm
Lithium has been magic for me for many many years now. Hoping it proves the ticket for him. (and the good news is the doseage we use doesn't zombie you! No one ever knows when I'm on it!)

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #5 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 1:46pm
Lightem up and good luck.
all the best
the bb
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #6 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 2:33pm
Hoping you all find some relief, Laurie.....good luck!

Keep us posted, please.
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #7 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 3:25pm
THANK YOU everyone!

WHAT A NIGHTMARE!  We never made it in!  It's been stormy here basically for days with a break yesterday afternoon - but last night it started pouring.  Thankfully it's warm here right at the moment, so not snow....  but long story short, we made it through a flooded road, around a fallen tree, got to the highway running about 1/2 hour late - only to find out there were accidents (of course) all along the way so traffic was worse than even we expected, there was an HOUR wait at the George Washington Bridge, and an accident at the Lincoln Tunnel with ALL lanes at the helix closed (!!!!) - so no alternate way into the city to get up to the Bronx.  (Taking the Tappanzee wouldn't have saved any time it's so far North).

We gave ourselves 2 1/2 hours (to make what should be a 1 1/2 hour drive not during rush hour) - and we were going to be AT LEAST an hour late - likely 2!!!  So we called, and they preferred that we just reschedule.  Sad  So we're on for next Thursday.  Thank GOD they found a time to squeeze him in.  I was sure they were going to give him a date in January.

.........as to the thyroid and pituitary tests..... yes, he's had them.  Several, actually, at this point.  They're supposedly normal, but someone posted in the meds forum thread about "new" guidelines, so I printed that out, and was going to ask Doc to review Gary's last blood work when we got there.  Guess it's just going to have to wait until a week from tomorrow.   ....better late than never, I guess.

I do believe everything happens for a reason, though.  So this is disappointing - but turns out Doc had NOT gotten anything set up with an ID doc there.  He's going to see if he can put something together for next Thurs, so maybe we can get it all done at the same time now.  (Got my fingers crossed).


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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #8 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 5:12pm
Hi Laurie.  I'm sorry you guys had such a bummer of a day  Cry  I'm with you, everything happens for a reason.  I hope things go well next week.  Phil and I will be thinking of you both.

Please keep us posted.


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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #9 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 5:15pm
Thanks.  Smiley

We got an appt set up at the GP for Friday AM, so at least we can go back and take a re-look at the blood work.  Smiley

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #10 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 11:12pm
We made it to today's appt.  It has been a horrible day and a horrible week for Gary.  I'm in a horrible mood.

They've got that whole teaching thing going on there, so he had to meet with a Fellow before seeing the Doc.  We were there 2 hours because he got an attack as soon as Doc came in.  He tried a lidocaine block - shoved a bunch of long q-tips up his nose.  Didn't do anything but freeze part of the back of his mouth/teeth - unless it just took 50 minutes to abort.  Sounds like the length of an attack to me.

I do have to give one thing to Doc - he almost looked like he was going to cry while watching Gary.  It's got to be daunting to be faced with a patient that hasn't seen any pain free time since sometime in early 2007.

I'm pissed at myself.  I couldn't shut up again.  Too many questions.

Bottom line - they want to go with verapamil and depakote for now.  Believe Gary was never on high enough doses to be effective for him.  But the depakote made him REALLY ill.  I'm too upset to even remember correctly what the doc said exactly.  But something about side effects of depakote vs. lithium.  I don't know what the side effects of lithium are, but I do know that fatal pancreatitis is a potential side effect of depakote. 

OH - and when I asked about WHEN he should take the additional verap, doc said it's the ER kind, so all at once at the same time every day.  I thought standard of treatment was with short-acting verap.  ??

Gary at least told doc he doesn't HAVE months to slowly ramp up on all this crap.  Doc said that if he sees a cardiologist for EKGs basically every week, they'll walk him up by 120mg a week as long as things are going OK.  They'll take him up to something like 1200mg of verap before ruling it out. 

So now we have to find a cardiologist.  And he'll have to continue to blood work regularly.  He's been SO good about it and he hates it so much.

Doc wants to talk to him the morning of the 31st.  I told Gary that if the Depakote is too difficult on his system, he just has to tell Doc that!

BUT he did refer us to the #1 Infectious Disease doc at Montefiore.  I have to call tomorrow to make the appt.  If the date is too far out, we're to immediately let Doc know, and he'll do what he can to move it up.  And he WILL provide the background here.  So that's helpful. 

...and Gary's got to go get an MRA now.

Fun city.


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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #11 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 8:44am
I'm sorry you had such a rough day  Cry

Very rarely will you hear me say this, but maybe it was a blessing that he got an attack while you were there.  Then the doc could see first hand what he goes through.  The lidocaine didn't work for Phil either.

Don't you dare be pissed at yourself for asking questions.  I do the same thing.  If we don't ask, how are you going to know.

If the depakote made him sick the last time he took it stick to your guns about getting him some lithium instead.  As for the verapamil I would ask for the regular release.  Phil just had his switched so now he takes 480mg a day.  So he takes it 4 times a day.

Hang in there.  You know we're always here when you need to vent.


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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #12 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 5:51pm
Sure wish you all could catch a break..... Sad Cry

I'd tell you to stay after it but there is no doublt in my mind that you will.

Much Love,
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #13 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 7:31pm
Thanks.   Smiley

No, I'm pissed at myself because I get really bull headed sometimes and I took over the appointment, which wasn't fair to Gary.  It's one thing to ask questions, it's another to act like it's my appointment. I can really be an ass.  Smiley

I DID ask for regular release verap, and he said studies show no definitive whatever, so they use ER.  End of discussion.  

Gary DID ask for lithium.  We both told him - Gary once, me like four times, that the Depakote made him really sick, he didn't tolerate it (and what's the point if you throw most if it up?) - and somehow we walked out of there with a scrip for depakote, not lithium.

Gary was pepped up by how AMAZING everyone is and being so welcoming, but he won't be on tonight because he is in a REALLY dark place of pain and depression.

I think we should go see his GP on Monday and get him to write the lithium, and just fill doc in when we see him in Jan.  I also asked about Zyprexa as an abort, and he he's got problems with it, so wouldn't prescribe it either.  That's why I/we don't know what to do.  GP would probably write that too.


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« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2008 at 8:19pm by Garys_Girl »  

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #14 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 12:33am

You know what I have noticed?   You guys have sure come a long way since the fall even if it may not seem like it to you guys.  I know Gary is still in lots of pain and things continue to be stressful... but I see forward movement.   

Look at the accomplishments :

1.  Gary detoxed
2.  Gary is reaching out... WOW
3.  You are really getting closer to finding out about the fever
4.  Gary has a new trial of drugs -
5.  You both have continued to stick together through this
6.  And geez.. you both still maintain employment thru this crap

Amazing stuff! you both should be very proud..

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Making biscuits

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #15 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 4:46pm
Kelly, thanks.  Smiley  

It's just frustrating because he's back on a drug regimen he's been on once before and the depakote makes him sick as a dog - when he keeps it down.  So that's frustrating.  Can't understand why neuro didn't want to go with lithium - which would help with the depression, has a good success rate with chronics, AND Gary hasn't tried yet!  GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!

I just thank goodness he had such a good pain management doc (part of the reason I got pissed when people who don't know the situation called him a quack - he's an F.I.P.P. (Fellow in Interventional Pain Practice) and there are less than 200 in the world), because even though he's not on the pain meds anymore, Doc is still acting like "point man" on Gary's CH case (don't like our GP so much but he's close and competent).  PM Doc has done a LOT of CH research, was a proponent in the detox, is in touch with Goadsby, found the high res MRI place for us, got Gary's MRA moved up by weeks, is getting up to speed on ONS just in case we need to go that route (he performs surgery 2x a week with similar devices, though never before for CH) - even talked to some Docs in Italy and has made arrangements to watch a surgery in CT by one of them in January - blah blah blah - point is, he's going to call to chat with the neuro about the drug decisions (neuro has non-patient office hours on Mondays).  

In fact, I've got a call scheduled with him during office hours tomorrow to discuss all of this (zyprexa, lithium vs. depakote, ER vs Regular Release verapamil).  So we'll see what he recommends after talking to Gary's neuro and doing his own research.

He's also helping us with the cardio, so hopefully we can get that under way ASAP.

It's also frustrating because the fevers have been really bad recently, I'm sure they make the CH worse, and now he's got nothing, and he can't stand it, and I can't stand it.   Cry  And I guess we are closer to an answer (regarding the fevers) having ruled a lot of stuff out - but it doesn't seem we're any closer to figuring out what's actually causing them.

And proud wife moment - if Gary weren't completely brilliant, employment would be a problem.  Thank GOD he predicted this basically since October of last year, thank GOD we've been short pretty much everything equity.  But too many times he can't take calls from the desk, too many times we've had to move the morning meeting around unexpectedly because Gary was having an attack, the number of conference calls we've had to reschedule is simply countless.  ...and how many jobs have been lost on Wall Street?   Grin  

We're commission based, not salaried - but we DO have insurance, and yes, we remain employed, and that is a GREAT thing.  

As to being together through all of this?  I can't and don't want to imagine my life without Gary.  I'm sure it's the same for him.   Smiley

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« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2008 at 4:51pm by Garys_Girl »  

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #16 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 5:00pm
Laurie, has Gary been to an endocrinologist for thyroid testing by any chance? I was just thinking out loud on this since you mentioned it in earlier threads…

Laurie, the depakote was one of the drugs I could tolerate but also had no + effect...


Roland. Kiss
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« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2008 at 5:01pm by N/A »  
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CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #17 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 5:26pm
Not seen an endocrinologist, but had extensive blood work.  Pituitary and Thyroid both check out OK.  Even saw the thread where TSH level of "normal" has been redefined.  But his is 2.9, so still in the normal range, even with redefinition.

We'll see what happens with infectious disease doc, I guess, and proceed from there.

Thanks.   Smiley

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #18 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 12:36pm
Givem hell Gary. I hate doctors.
the bb
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #19 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 4:09pm
No zyprexa (yet).  No lithium (yet).
Try depakote for 1 week.  See if still intolerant.  (Take sucralfate 1 hour before depakote).
Increase verapamil to 480mg next week.
Talk to Montefiore neuro am Jan 31.

See cardiologist Jan 8.
See Montefiore infectious disease doc filling in for top doc while he's on vaction on Jan 14.
See Monteifiore neuro again Jan 14.
Follow up with "top ID" doc at Montefiore after he's back from vacation on Jan 23.

Just hell for Gary right now.

Little by little.

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CH.com Alumnus

Live, Laugh, Love

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #20 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 6:31pm
Hang in there you guys.  You know that we're all here pulling for you.

Smoochies  Kiss
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #21 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 6:17pm
I found something in the archives of this board recommending the regular release Verapamil. I printed it out, faxed it to our doctor and she was willing to give it a try. It DID knock down the clusters, and he was even able to go with a lower dosage. Let me see if I can find it.

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #22 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 6:26pm
Verapamil Info

Headache. 2004 Nov;44(10):1013-8.   

Individualizing treatment with verapamil for cluster headache patients.

Blau JN, Engel HO.

   Background.-Verapamil is currently the best available prophylactic drug for patients experiencing cluster headaches (CHs). Published papers usually state 240 to 480 mg taken in three divided doses give good results, ranging from 50% to 80%; others mention higher doses-720, even 1200 mg per day. In clinical practice we found we needed to adapt dosage to individual's time of attacks, in particular giving higher doses before going to bed to suppress severe nocturnal episodes. A few only required 120 mg daily. We therefore evolved a scheme for steady and progressive drug increase until satisfactory control had been achieved. Objective.-To find the minimum dose of verapamil required to prevent episodic and chronic cluster headaches by supervising each individual and adjusting the dosage accordingly. Methods.-Consecutive patients with episodic or chronic CH (satisfying International Headache Society (IHS) criteria) were started on verapamil 40 mg in the morning, 80 mg early afternoon, and 80 mg before going to bed. Patients kept a diary of all attacks, recording times of onset, duration, and severity. They were advised, verbally and in writing, to add 40 mg verapamil on alternate days, depending on their attack timing: with nocturnal episodes the first increase was the evening dose and next the afternoon one; when attacks occurred on or soon after waking, we advised setting an alarm clock 2 hours before the usual waking time and then taking the medication. Patients were followed-up at weekly intervals until attacks were controlled. They were also reviewed when a cluster period had ended, and advised to continue on the same dose for a further 2 weeks before starting systematic reduction. Chronic cluster patients were reviewed as often as necessary. Results.-Seventy consecutive patients, 52 with episodic CH during cluster periods and 18 with chronic CH, were all treated with verapamil as above. Complete relief from headaches was obtained in 49 (94%) of 52 with episodic, and 10 (55%) of 18 with chronic CH; the majority needed 200 to 480 mg, but 9 in the episodic, and 3 in the chronic group, needed 520 to 960 mg for control. Ten, 2 in the episodic and 8 in the chronic group, with incomplete relief, required additional therapy-lithium, sumatriptan, or sodium valproate. One patient withdrew because verapamil made her too tired, another developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and the drug was withdrawn. Conclusions.-Providing the dosage for each individual is adequate, preventing CH with verapamil is highly effective, taken three (occasionally with higher doses, four) times a day. In the majority (94%) with episodic CH steady dose increase under supervision, totally suppressed attacks. However in the chronic variety only 55% were completely relieved, 69% men, but only 20% women. In both groups, for those with partial attack suppression, additional prophylactic drugs or acute treatment was necessary. (Headache 2004;44:1013-1018).


Dr. Sheftell applauded the protocol for verapamil used by Dr. Goadsby and colleagues, which entailed use of short-acting verapamil in increments of 80 mg. “This method was suggested by Lee Kudrow, MD, 20 years ago as an alternative to slow-release verapamil,” Dr. Sheftell noted.

“I would agree with using short-acting verapamil, rather than the sustained-release formulation, in cluster headache,” he said. “I prefer the short-acting formulation with regard to ability to titrate more accurately and safely. My clinical experience anecdotally demonstrates improved responses when patients are switched from sustained-release verapamil to short-acting verapamil.”

Dr. Goadsby agreed that his clinical experience was similar. “There are no well-controlled, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging studies to direct treatment. This is one of those areas where clinicians who treat cluster headache have to combine what modicum of evidence is available with their own clinical experience,” Dr. Sheftell commented.
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #23 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 10:00pm
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!   Smiley

Start the weekly cardiologist tomorrow, so will start ramping pretty quick on the verapamil.  We're at the neuro next Wed - this time I'll be armed with the info to get him switched to the regular release.   Smiley

Also... pound the doc into switching the depakote (which seems to be making things worse, and he's up to 1000mg now) to lithium.  He's a sweetheart - but he does NOT have to suffer this or watch this every day and Gary's pushing 2 years with NO pain free time AT ALL.

SOMEHOW the MRA stuff got screwed up, and we're still trying to get the insurance approval.  They said we'll have a new decision in two days.  Like the title of this thread, I'm hoping......

And next week cannot get here soon enough!  The fevers are daily now, so there SO is something going on here.  Someone has GOT to get this figured out.  It is KILLING him.  Fuck - he can take the pain.  But these fevers are just grinding him down.  The man can barely see straight anymore.   Cry

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #24 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 8:33am
Garys_Girl wrote on Jan 7th, 2009 at 10:00pm:
 The fevers are daily now, so there SO is something going on here.  Someone has GOT to get this figured out.  It is KILLING him.  Fuck - he can take the pain.  But these fevers are just grinding him down.  The man can barely see straight anymore.   Cry


You're right Laurie.  Someone has to get this figured out.  Keeping hanging tough, both of you.  Keep after the docs, which I know you will do  Wink  If the depakote is making him sick demand the lithium, which I also know you will do.  Also know that we're all here pulling for you guys.

Here's a some hugs for you both Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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