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Hoping..... (Read 22554 times)
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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #75 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 7:35pm
Glad to hear you're hanging in there.  Did you ever get the appt moved back to March?  Or are we still looking at April?  I sure hope you kicked some Sandy butt and got it moved up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear Phil's BP is doing well. We actually have one of those automated cuffs.  But it was just like with the thermometer - the fist time Gary hit 107, we thought the thermometer was broken.  So when the cuff came back with that really low BP, we thought it was broken.  That it wouldn't come up with numbers for my BP kind of confirmed that in our minds.  But no...  it's working fine.  Just like the thermometer was.   Roll Eyes

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #76 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 7:53pm
We're still looking at April.  It just pisses me off.  All the phone calls and emails not only from us, but also from others here and they still won't see him any earlier. 

Hopefully when Gary's BP returns to normal he'll feel a little bit better.
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #77 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 2:54pm
My update post is one of the ones that got lost in the crash, so here it is again!

Here's the summary:

1) there are conditions that cause intermittent fevers, but they are rare, tropical type diseases, and Gary doesn't have the exposure profile to even consider searching for them;

2) Gary does have problems with sinusitis, but really it could only be contributing to the CH pain and not causing it, and it cannot account for the fevers;

3) Temps that high and that temporary are what are usually referred to as "central fevers," and infections usually do not cause them. Meningitis maybe, but he has no other symptoms, and if it were bacterial he'd already be dead, and it would be one weird rare version of viral, though worth doing the spinal to check just to make sure;

4) Central fevers are some other kind of brain dysfunction, and as we already know the hypothalamus controls body temps, and the hypothalamus is the seat of the problem in clusters... and there are such things as just "unexplained" central fevers.  If we can find a neurologist that can figure out what's wrong in his hypothalamus, it may treat both the fevers and the clusters - he doesn't have anyone to recommend.


So I guess what we need to find is a neuro that is NOT a headache specialist. We don't even know how to begin the search.

The guy exuded competence, spent 1 1/2 hours with us going through EVERYTHING with Gary, explained all the issues, and by the end, I was crying almost uncontrollably. I felt like a balloon that just got popped. Gary was OK, because he expected nothing, but I was hoping more than I guess I was aware of....

But he thinks Gary should see the Montefiore infectious disease doc, but now I have no hopes there either. So they'll arrange the spinal. And it'll find nothing either.

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CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #78 - Feb 17th, 2009 at 3:25pm
Well, found an article where high central fever presented in patient with "intense cephalagia" (clusters are included in the list of stuff that is covered by cephalagia) - what caused his was NEXIUM.  It crosses the blood brain barrier, and though they don't understand the pathology (physiology?  Whatever word is correct) - stopping the nexium stopped the fevers.

Protonix is the only drug he hasn't stopped taking at some point.

He's going to stop it for a week or so and we'll see what happens.

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CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #79 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 4:49pm
Laurie as always I'm thinking of the two of you and praying that Gary gets some kind of break soon.

Keep us posted on everything.
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #80 - Feb 22nd, 2009 at 7:39pm
Well, it wasn't the Protonix.  He's been off of it for five days now and he's on his third major fever event.  The nexium-related fever problem was resolved within 20 hours of coming off the nexium.

The Montefiore infectious disease doc appt is tomorrow afternoon.  Hope we make it.

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #81 - Feb 22nd, 2009 at 7:45pm
I hope you make it too sweetie.  Oh how Gary needs a break.  I just pray that it comes soon.

Love to you both  Kiss
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #82 - Feb 25th, 2009 at 6:26pm
Laurieeeeeeeee!!!!!!  Did you guys make it to the doctor on Monday?  What did they say?

It's been a few days and I haven't seen you.  I'm getting worried about the two of you.
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #83 - Feb 26th, 2009 at 6:17am
Wondering how you all are doing......anxious for an update.

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #84 - Feb 27th, 2009 at 4:17pm
Me too!

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #85 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 5:47pm
Sorry.  Been too busy, too depressed, and Gary's been so beaten up.

They canceled the appointment.  It was beyond devastating.  It has been rescheduled for this Thursday. 

This was another weekend with four fevers each in excess of 105 between Fri night and Mon morning.  He's also been headbanging almost non stop.

We did get the new 02 set up with very high flow rates available to him.  It isn't helping either.

He wasn't able to make the last MRA appointment, so we've restarted the insurance authorization on that again.

Did get the sleep study approved, just got the message, so get to schedule that tomorrow.

It is so hard to watch this.


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Live, Laugh, Love....

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #86 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 6:01pm

I wish with all my heart that something would fall into place for Gary and you.  I think of you often and am praying for you.


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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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CH.com Alumnus

Live, Laugh, Love

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Mcallen, TX
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #87 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 6:08pm
I am so glad that you posted.  I've been worried about you guys.

My heart is just breaking for the two of you.  I just keep hoping and praying that something positive happens and this nightmare will be over for you guys. 

Hang tough Laurie.

Here's some much need hugs for the both of you  Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley 

And as always you're in my thoughts and prayers.

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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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Go For It!!!

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Goshen, IN
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #88 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 6:29pm
Ditto what Jeannie and Jen said!!

Bless your hearts.

Keep us posted when you can.

Love ya,
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CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #89 - Mar 6th, 2009 at 6:41pm
FINALLY.  OK.  This IS the "go to" guy for "difficult cases."  Know we know why it's so difficult to get into see him - he is not a usual "high volume" doctor.  He does primarily research, publishes a lot, and sees six patients a week.  He focuses on very few people at a time.  So that's good.

The news from the Montefiore ID doc is....  time.  IF it is an infection, he can probably figure out what.  BUT given Gary's history, it could be a lot of things, and he's got to start with narrowing down the options.  It does NOT matter that he was where he traveled even if it was 20 or 30 years ago, there are things that can be dormant that long.  He HAS seen these very high intermittent fevers before, but there are "literally a million things that can cause them."

If he rules out infection, then we're left with central fevers.  He is wondering why the neuro has not ordered an MRI of just the hypothalamus, especially as he knows we have access now to a high res machine.  Given his sinus problems, he thinks further work should be done there, though just for Gary's health and well being, because that is not a potential source of the fever problem.

BUT... if we're left with Central Fevers (a neurologic event), then he may still be able to treat them symptomatically.  He said two tylenol a day probably wouldn't be the solution, and he does NOT want Gary to try this now.  He wants us to take his temp every four hours for the next two weeks while I get every medical record we've got for Gary from the past five years transferred to him, especially the recent cardiac stuff, all diagnostics, and all of his GI stuff.

So he's going to review the files when he gets them (next week, which gives him a week to go through everything), see Gary again in two weeks, he'll review the current temperature pattern, and decide what tests to do from there.

So it seems like he's in the right hands.  But he's going to have to keep finding the will to push on, and some days that is really difficult.  Sad

We're not sure if he went never-a-minute of pain free time in Jan or Feb of 2007, but we have definitely passed the two-year mark on it, and today is the exact day we celebrate his third year of going chronic with daily hits.

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CH.com Alumnus

Live, Laugh, Love

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Mcallen, TX
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #90 - Mar 6th, 2009 at 10:14pm
How I hope and pray that this doctor is the one that will finally be able to get those fevers figured out.  It's enough to deal with CH, but to have all these fevers too.  I just can't imagine the hell that Gary and you are going through.

Hang tough you two, you know that Clusterville has your back.  Call on us anytime  Kiss

Keep us posted!!!!!!
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Only one life.....only one chance to make the moment count for something - Racer1_NC

flipperlips 100000247863039 pjtimmer@sbcglobal.net  
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CH.com Alumnus

Go For It!!!

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Goshen, IN
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #91 - Mar 7th, 2009 at 8:51am
Finaly!!!  At least you've got sometone who is trying to help.

Keep up posted, please.

Love ya,
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Live, Laugh, Love....

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St Louis, Missouri
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #92 - Mar 7th, 2009 at 11:13pm
I pray that this doctor is the answer to your ( and our) prayers for Gary. 

Tell Gary to just hold on... He made it this far and finally there may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

We're here for you. Smiley

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"It's all a grand illusion when you think you're in control." ~ Kenny Chesney
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Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #93 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 3:57pm
Well, after hospitalization and a gazillion tests, spinal, being a serious pin cushion, being hooked up to all kinds of monitoring things.... we still don't know what's causing the fevers.

The MRA showed no anomalies.

The sleep study... was not the right place.  This center isn't approved by our insurance (though the DOCTORS there are  Roll Eyes ) and they deal with people who sleep too much.  And you have to sleep during the study.  Gary doesn't sleep, so there's no study.  Doc's office is working on finding a different place, though we don't know if somewhere you don't need to sleep for the study exists.

Gary's FINALLY started lithium.  It's too soon to tell if it's going to help.

He's sill in pain 24 hours a day, still averaging 7 - 8 attacks a day. 

We're negotiating on what to do next.  I think he's going to give the lithium a month.  Maybe even mix it with topomax (which didn't work on its own).  We'll see what other bright ideas the montefiore neuro has on the 29th.  But the thinking is that if the lithium, in combo with something else or not, doesn't work, he'll probably chuck the neuro and try shrooms again.  He'll be on only protonix, so we'd know for sure if it will help or not.

If that doesn't work.... after that?  He probably goes back to the narcotics again for a while.  He doesn't want to continue living like this.  I don't blame him.  His quality of life is very low.


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CH.com Alumnus

Go For It!!!

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Goshen, IN
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #94 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 4:44pm
I've been wondering about you all.

OMG they still can't figure the fevers out!  Are they still as bad as before?

At least you've got something to try.  Fingers crossed for you.

Keep us posted, please.

Love to you both,
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CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #95 - Apr 15th, 2009 at 11:18am
Thankfully, they're back down to 1 - 2 per week.

But from "the beginning" (once we saw in ID specialist) the thinking has been that they are "central fevers," not caused by an infection, but caused by a malfunctioning hypothalamus, for which there is no cure.

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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #96 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 12:30am

Prayers coming your way. Tell Gary he has been in my thoughts. No fun for either of you..

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CH.com Hall of Famer

Making biscuits

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Planet Cat, NJ
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Re: Hoping.....
Reply #97 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 3:41pm
Don, that's really sweet, and very appreciated.  Hope you're still uncrapping!

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