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Marijuana and Cluster Headaches (Read 56191 times)
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #50 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 6:12pm
Tim in Texas wrote on Dec 14th, 2012 at 5:36pm:
I understand that this topic landed on this forum around the time that the wheel was invented (maybe not this particular thread), but I just wanted to tell about my experience with marijuana involving CH's and ask a question about another abortative. I quit smoking pot all together in college when I first started getting my headaches. I very strongly believed they pot was a much stronger trigger than alcohol (or atleast to me). My next question involves mushrooms. Is this a myth? I know that no neuro would prescribe "medicinal mushrooms" because of obvious liability reasons. I have evenwatched National Geographic episodes about how mushrooms provide relief to CH sufferers. However, during the episode I don't recall seeing any respectable Doctors or Head Ache Centers backing this concept up, or even any clinical studies. Just wanting to the pro/con arguements from people who know.

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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #51 - Dec 14th, 2012 at 6:25pm
Tim, probably the best place to get the answers you're seeking will be Multimedia File Viewing and Clickable Links are available for Registered Members only!!  You need to Login or Register. It's a forum much like this one, and has all of the data on using hallucinogens responsibly in order to treat CH. For many, it provides complete relief over time, and in most cases, won't require you to "trip" or hallucinate. Check it out for sure.
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #52 - Apr 24th, 2013 at 1:49pm
Dr. Brian McGeeney has written an amazing piece on the help that cannabinoids and hallucinogens can offer the migraine and cluster headache sufferer.

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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #53 - May 6th, 2013 at 10:25pm
I know this post is somewhat out of date, but I figured I would put my two cents in... Unfort. for myself Marijuana quite often triggers CH's, but then again I'm in a cycle 365 days a year. So it may be very helpful for episodic CH's. I've found if I already have a ch, ill smoke and it actually helps... But if I smoke while having no cluster its a flip of the coin. I agree with Lydia, everyone is verrrry very different when it comes to CH's... which makes it very hard to treat. So when it comes to a very safe herb like Marijuana hell give it a chance who knows!! Shocked 
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2013 at 10:26pm by NSWClusterhead »  
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #54 - May 8th, 2013 at 8:25am
I agree with Lydia, everyone is verrrry very different when it comes to CH's... which makes it very hard to treat.

True dat!

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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #55 - May 22nd, 2013 at 11:29pm
ok, so, I have been having clusters since I was 18, 38 years ago, and had to post something on here as if it saves one person a single headache is worth it.
These  headaches are evil and devious, what works one season, may not work the next, verapamil worked like a charm first time I used it, didn't work after that , has to do where the cycle is and how to interrupt it. mary Jane may work for some people I say try it , try anything that may help, amitriptiline, verapamil, sumatrapin has always worked to stop the attack, but not interrupt the cycle. nasal irrigation worked 2 years for me, then stopped working, mushrooms or lsd has been studied lately as it seems to work to stop the cycle and thats really what its all about stopping the cycle.
if you have a headache that ibuprofen stops , you dont have a migraine much less a cluster, imitrex injections or nasal spray stop the attack the fastest in my opinion, but don't stop the cycle, I have tried everything there is to try, and
have to change it almost every cycle, as the same thing won't work more than two times, but the imitrex or generic sumatrapin always stops the attack.
I have stopped the cycle by changing where I was physically, taking a plane ride somewhere going into the mountains, anything that makes your ears pop may also do the trick.
avoiding the cycle, I have never found anything that works, except when I took amitritiline, for a year, skipped a year , mine always come in march or april depending on climate, may be pollen counts or something, but once started will go on and on for months sometimes till I can break it, am currently going on two months of this cycle and started amitrip again.One year , during a horrendous attack, tried the nasal irrigation and it stopped immediately, like magic. Hope this helps someone

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Josh W
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #56 - May 25th, 2013 at 1:21am
I am episodic, 6 weeks every 14 months. Iam very lucky to have such a short and far between cycle. I have smoked herb for the last 10 years. It has never been a trigger for me, but like many others, a cap full of liquer and I am at a k -10 within minutes. Many also say depakote does not help. Yet I have finally held off the first cycle in 12 years only changing to depalote a month before my cycle was to begin. 3 HAs at k -2. Not a cycle but a dream. All this being said. We are all very diff and I feel we get ch differently. I had a 3cm by 5cm aracnoid cyst on my temporal lobe. On my ch side.  I feel that had something to do with my situation.  God bless and p/f wishes to all here.
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« Last Edit: May 25th, 2013 at 1:23am by Josh W »  
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #57 - May 25th, 2013 at 2:44am
I smoked weed for a long time but once I started getting cycles every spring summer for the last 5 years I quit.  I found it to be almost an immediate trigger for me, and they were quite painful way more than usual.
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #58 - May 25th, 2013 at 2:47am
I personally think that marijuana is a huge trigger.  As I slowly started getting worse and more painful headaches I noticed MJ was a huge trigger and quit for good.  I dont know if it dont trigger you in to one congrats.  I'm gonna agree with most on here that it is definetaly a trigger.
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Josh W
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #59 - May 25th, 2013 at 9:03am
My second strongest trigger, after alcohol, is floral old woman perfumes.  They get me every single time. I think all would agree with, find YOUR triggers and stay as far away as possible.
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #60 - May 29th, 2013 at 8:17pm
Note that there is a huge difference between different MJ strains, and each one has it's own properties. For some people the right stuff can be more effective then Imitrex.
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Jangly Mark
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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #61 - Oct 14th, 2014 at 10:28pm
I hope that someone can shed light on this as it seens a little unusual.

I don't smoke much pot these days as I#m out of the loop and don't have someone to buy from....but...

I won't touch it if I'm in the middle of a bout (same goes for alcohol).

When I have toked close to a cycle, I've been fine that night.  No shadows, no cluster attack.

BUT - the next day, definite continuous shadows, and the next night, a high KIP.

Anyone else has this 24 hour delay?  Can anyone explain it?
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CH.com Alumnus


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Re: Marijuana and Cluster Headaches
Reply #62 - Oct 15th, 2014 at 3:53am
Not really we are all different, but you could checkout our sister site ClusterBusters, the link is to your left at the bottom of this page.

Cheers, Hoppy.
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