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Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH (Read 3738 times)
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Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
May 27th, 2009 at 4:58am
I am new to the forum and am totally grateful to not have to explain what is wrong with my husband and that this sort of thing is normal for us.  On the other hand the truth is I am sick to death of thinking about it worrying about it and in general it controlling our lives.  It has taken my husbands career, our business, its working on taking our house (no we didn't overbuy or lack budgeting skills) but what bothers me most is that I just can't see a future.  Or at least the way its possible.  On a purely practical level there is no way he can be competitive in Computers with this disease, during episodes he is functional for only 3-4 hrs of a day at most.  I can't work because child care for my two boys would be as much as I would make and I don't  feel comfortable ever leaving the boys (17 month & 4 Yrs.)with their Dad because I never know when a attack will hit.  I don't know how to overcome all this especially on my own.  I know God will not give me more than I am capable of but .... I really have no faith in the medical community they just seem to add insult to injury, treatments seem ineffective and the side affects in the past have left him with walking hallucinations fun for me to figure out.  I don't know that I have any real coping skills to deal with any of this sometimes I am not sure anyone could stay sane dealing with this.  Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me that I can't overcome it all.  Anger seems to be a good rebound off depression because it gives me energy to get things done but it doesn't make me a very good supporter.  I worry how this will affect my children seeing there Dad struggle so much and in so much pain.  He stays more upbeat than me.  I feel like we know a hurricane will hit  sometime everyday even a couple of times and progress for our little family becomes so hard.  Destruction happens and nobody else even feels a breeze only we are battling the wind we can't see but definitely can feel.  I keep going knowing that CH will block and knock down everything we try simply because I believe that God does have a plan and he promises it is not for our harm, he promises that it is for our good.  Someone told me that the brain is physically incapable of being negative while being grateful and this method of being joyful always has been my only succeeding method of the battle for my mind.  I don;t do as well when I get tired, or take on too many stresses at once or worse yet get worrying about tomorrow.  But for now I take comfort in the fact that my struggle is not that dissimilar to yours.  I am amply grateful to be understood and thank you for being willing to let me rant.  Thanks.
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2009 at 9:56am
We're grateful that you found us! We've all been down similar paths. My name is Christy - I am also a supporter of my husband Joe (Guiseppi here).

Our children were small when Joe's headaches were first diagnosed. Prior to that he just had no idea what was going on and ate Excedrin PM like candy at night. I'm the one that called the hospital one night and hauled his butt in there. They drugged him up - so at least he slept - but then also gave us the referral to a neurologist.

The neuro tried alot of the same things people here mention - verapamil, and others.  At one point he had literally one of those zip up lunch coolers FULL OF DRUGS!  And he was taking them over the prescribed amounts, with each other. I felt he was out of control because I didn't understand what they were for and how they worked together.  I made an appt with his doctor and went with him and we talked about it.  The doctor explained it all to me. It helped somewhat, but I too had concerns about leaving him with our kids, about him driving, working etc.

I found this site in the late 90's I think - and Joe and I have learned SO MUCH since.  He now has medications that work for him, both as preventives and abortives. And he uses Oxygen during an attack.  Many people have come here and told us they have "tried 02" and it didnt' work.  The way the doctors prescribe it, and the way the medical supply companies deliver it, is not effective. Sufferers here will tell you about non-rebreather masks, flow rates, etc.  Read the link in yellow at the left for more info. Truthfully it has helped most. You won't believe that someone could transform!

My husband goes on lithium also at the onset of a cycle, and then tapers off. Also a short session with predinose until the lithium gets into his system.

I hope your husband is also reading the board and chatting with folks about his treatments.

If you ever feel like you need to talk - send me a PM with your phone number, I'd be happy to call you.

Hang in there, you and your husband can beat this beast.

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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #2 - May 27th, 2009 at 6:03pm
Grateful_Believer wrote on May 27th, 2009 at 4:58am:
  I worry how this will affect my children seeing there Dad struggle so much and in so much pain.  He stays more upbeat than me.

I can answer this one for you.  My husband has had ch. now ever since my daughter was small.  I worked split shift, so he had her in the evenings/night (when he woud get hit) She is almost 25 now and has no memories of his headaches when she was that young, even though she would try to help him by patting his face of offering to get him a cold rag.  Kids tend to forget those things that don't affect them directly.

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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #3 - May 27th, 2009 at 6:36pm
Hi Sweetie,

Sorry you're having such a bad time of it.  CH is mean and it will steal your life and happiness if you let it.  Life can be managed with CH even though it doesn't seem so at times.

Education is your best line of defense.  There is a ton of information here and on the OUCH site (button on the left)  Read and study  everything you can.  Knowledge is power!  We're here to help so ask questions and we'll try to answer ASAP.

Maybe you could share some of the preventatives and abortives you all have tried.  Sometimes just figuring out a good 'cocktail' helps a bunch.

I'm hoping your husband is a member of the board here or at least reading.  These CHers are a smart bunch and work there tails off to help fellow sufferers.

Hang in there, Sweetie....we've been there and do understand.  Keep talking to us and we'll do our best to help.

Jackie (married to a cluster head too)

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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2009 at 11:27pm
Anger! Not always a bad thing-direct at the BEAST who causes this pain for your husband..........and then, get him here to help himself!
I can see where you are tired and frustrated and.and..and... but I guess I liken CH to someone who has Cancer.It's MUCH easier to live with, but the end result with CH will be far more positive!
CH does NOT kill, although your husband may feel like  it at times.
You two need to plan on dealing with your husband's hits as they come, be  properly armed for the hits..then, begin living life that happens when he is OK, rahter than focus on the hits.
You love each other, right?? Soo, please, find a good Neuro, read everything on the site.see those subjects on the left?  <<<<..Read them.especially the one about 02. I suspect life will improve gratly for you when you have your armour.
As far as that feeling that you're at the end of your rope.....well, that's why these people are here......and there's a saying in Clusterville....if you're  feeling like you're at the end of the rope.tie a knot in it. hang on...
I think things are going to get better now, you're here, and everyone here is ready to help.
Check your PM's, ok?
Here's a big hug, refills are free, anytime you need one!
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #5 - May 29th, 2009 at 4:47am
Jackie wrote on May 27th, 2009 at 6:36pm:
Hi Sweetie,

Sorry you're having such a bad time of it.  CH is mean and it will steal your life and happiness if you let it.  Life can be managed with CH even though it doesn't seem so at times.

Education is your best line of defense.  There is a ton of information here and on the OUCH site (button on the left)  Read and study  everything you can.  Knowledge is power!  We're here to help so ask questions and we'll try to answer ASAP.

Maybe you could share some of the preventatives and abortives you all have tried.  Sometimes just figuring out a good 'cocktail' helps a bunch.

I'm hoping your husband is a member of the board here or at least reading.  These CHers are a smart bunch and work there tails off to help fellow sufferers.

Hang in there, Sweetie....we've been there and do understand.  Keep talking to us and we'll do our best to help.

Jackie (married to a cluster head too)

thats some good sound advice. exercise your brain and make it strong.

i put allot of faith in prayer for holding on to my sanity. it doesn't make the pain go away but it does seem to help certain tumblers fall into place to help me cope.
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #6 - May 29th, 2009 at 12:58pm
Educate yourself and then get hubby here so I (we) can educate and give him a kick in the tushie.

Make time for you and he will step up...WE have to so pain really isnt an excuse.

have an attack
back to life

Period....end of sentence
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I can't believe that I have to bang my Head against this wall again. But the blows they have just a little more Space in-between them. Gonna take a breath and try again.
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In remembrance of KingCazman.

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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #7 - May 29th, 2009 at 6:43pm
That is a hopeless feeling, feeling like the CH controls everything.  Luckily, you control your life and not anything or anyone else.  Don't LET it control your life.

My daughter has seen my CH since she was 3 or 4.  She was so young, she didnt know what the hell a 'Beast' was, so in my house we call it the 'Cluster Monster'.  At 4 years old, and to this day at 9 years old, she is my most understanding supporter and the most compassionate supporter you would ever meet. 
My point is: Dont let your children's lack of chronological longevity fool you into thinking they don't know or don't care. 

Take control of your life!!  Share it with your family!!

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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #8 - Jun 15th, 2009 at 9:08am
Hello Folks,
My husband just found this site over the weekend and urged me to have a look see at it and so much of what people have posted feels so real to me. I hate the CH attacks so much and I dread them every day. I hate to see him suffering through it and know that there's little to nothing I can do to help. It outs so much strain on a (at times) already fragile relationship and we've only been married just shy of a year. It makes it worse that I'm an insulin dependant diabetic (with all the fun that entails...half blind from it) and his CH attacks seem to synch with my low blood sugar ones, so it's doubly distressing for me at times. I know it's not all about me,,,but sometimesd I find it ao hard to cope when he's 'in season'....so I think I understand a little of the dark, lonely place you go to...I think I go there a bit too often of late...but then I think that people have it worse than me, put on a cheery face and voice and just soldier on.
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #9 - Jun 16th, 2009 at 10:28pm
I credit my 17 year old son's empathy to CH.  My DH (Brew here) was diagnosed while I was pregnant, and thus our son has seen it all.  

He loves every clusterhead he's ever met (and he's met A LOT of them) and knows what to do and what not to do.  I think it makes him more aware of what goes on in the people around him.

There's nothing wrong with saying "we have to leave daddy alone now."  They don't need to be scared by the beast, just respectful of what the effects of the beast are on your husband.

Best of luck in your journey.  You're no longer alone.
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #10 - Jun 25th, 2009 at 12:37pm
Get angry and take your life back. You can manage CH with planning and proper treatment. My last episode I missed less than two days of work. Its tough but your tougher. I hate this condition with a passion, not because of the pain, but the loss of life's quality. Get your quality back. Keep fighting, both of you.
all the best
the bb
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #11 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 6:56pm
Is there life after the onset of ch.... well yes there is.
Some of these folks on this site(if you keep looking are old timers)
Myself, it has only been a brief moment in other lives and still enjoy the fruitfulness of what we all have,
It was difficult at first and my employers were very supportive.
Now i have a new lease on life and enjoy every day.
Every day throws hurdles at us and as long as you stick together as partners do, you'll learn to cope.
If she's awake my wife sits with me and although it can get very scary for her, she's there when its over to give me love and support.
Thats what helps us all,
Love and support.
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Re: Tired of feeling like everything is about his CH
Reply #12 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 9:45pm
I am a supporter of a 24 yr old daughter. She started with CH her senior year of college 3 yrs ago. I know the feeling of how it takes over life. She was so ready to graduate and start her life and instead she struggled to graduate. The first year of her CH was pure hell for her, my family and anyone around me. It was all I could think about. I went through counseling and it helped me so much. This site also gave her  guidance and support that I couldn't. It took about a year to find what would calm her chronic conditon. After graduation she entered grad school to stay on my insurance. The past two years she has grown so much and found herself again. She completed her masters and will begin  to teach 6th grade history in the fall. She was determined not to let this take away her dreams. Yeah, it makes road blocks but with determination you can get around them! I still worry though. Guess as long as I'm her Mom that's going to happen.

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