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In Love with a CH and SCARED !! (Read 4114 times)
CH.com Newbie

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Rochester NY
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In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:18am
I am very new to all of this. I have a wonderful boyfriend Bobby. We've known eachother for about 1 year. dating for a few months. Right from the beginning he told me all about cluster headaches. I've asked him what i should do for him durring this cycle of attacks. He has armed me with all the weapons. Caffine, zomig, ice, etc... he seems to know what works for him. I have read on these forums to stay strong and just do exactly what he wants. The last thing your sufferer needs is to worry about their partner.  Inside I just want to scream and cry!! I feel so helpless... Is there more of people like me out there? Support groups in my area?? Cry
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #1 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:22am
There's a supporter's group on this website.  I'm trusting one of the moderators will come along and maybe move your post to that section.  If not - rest assured the other supporters will find you.  God Bless our supporters!!!!

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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #2 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:35am
CH's are painful, sure, but they are not damaging.

He'll be fine, and if he knows whats good for him - all the better.

Maybe oxygen, too?  IT can work to abort a hit in 5-10 minutes, which is nice.
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #3 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:59am
Thanks for the quick responses... It sure looks like it's the worst pain EVER. Nothing I've ever experienced comes close to what I've see him going through. I'm a tough chick and this scared me. I am holding strong for him and crumbling when he isn't around.  I have spent most of the past few nights on this website and a few others soaking up as much info as i can. 

Any advice is welcome here... all of you who suffer from CH are truly the strongest people I know. Thank you for everything you offer !!!
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #4 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 11:15am
This Topic was moved here from Getting to Know Ya by Linda_Howell.

Carol is right.  Your thread might have gotten lost over on the other board so I moved it here,  where all of our wonderful supporters usually look first. 

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« Last Edit: Nov 20th, 2009 at 11:19am by Linda_Howell »  

Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #5 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 11:34am
Get used to it; I'm not even one of the nice ones.
Some of the smartest, most compassionate, kind individuals I have ever known are on this site.  No word of a lie.

There are modern treatments to CH's; perhaps send your other half over to this site and see if he's interested.

Imitrex injections, and oxygen (LINKS ON THE LEFT THERE) are very popular.  Lots of recent breakthroughs in Oxygen use....
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #6 - Nov 20th, 2009 at 1:14pm
Babydoll: you're in the right place now - We supporters help each other out, besides helping our suffering loved ones.

I agree it is hard to watch, and only you and your CH'r will know the right way for you to help him. For me, it's make the house quiet, get him some ice, and get the hell out of the room. He likes to be by himself. If we're out and about, it's help him get to his O2.

I'm also the one that pushed the issue with him to get to the doctor for the initial diagnosis, and then again when I thought he was over-doing it on the meds. At that time all his treatment was via painkiller.

I found this site for us and now he's in great hands collaborating with others.  The dosage amounts that work for one, need to be different for another. Don't be afraid if something isn't working to challenge the doctor about the dose.

Hang in there, and welcome to our nook and cranny in this site!

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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #7 - Nov 26th, 2009 at 4:49pm
Sorry if A CCHr shouldn't be here, but you're so wrong in one statement.
In my humble opinion, we are not the strongest people you know - look to yourself!
We have a minute by minute fight, but often with one enemy - The CH.  You, on the other hand, not only have to try and watch your loved one in terrible suffering, but you will probably feel guilt for not being able to help us. Feel useless for ot being able to take away the pain etc.  Then you have to get on with your own daily life as well as carry the worry about us etc - Get the picture.  As a CCHr I watch my wife with awe and wonder, I'm only partly sure I'd have the strength to carry the burden of caring for someone like me, a family, a job and still not lose it!
One more thing, again personal only, please if he's like me it sometimes helps to see you scream or cry - it tells me I'm not on my own and helps me focus for a while on the devastastion this illness causes someone else apart from me.
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #8 - Nov 29th, 2009 at 11:23am
exmed1 - words well written and key for supporters to read. Thanks for the much needed cyber standing ovation for the supporters in the CH sufferers life.

babydoll - hang in there and reach out often, as we all very well know, we can't do this alone, and nor should we.

If I had one wish....I'd give you all peace from your demons. But alas, all I can do is help you carry them....
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♬and in the end the love you take
is equal to the love you make ♬
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CH.com Newbie

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Rochester NY
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #9 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 5:00pm
Thanks for all the kind words everyone... He's been having a couple of BAD days... headache and throbbing all day... ugh. I still wish I could pull out that pain...   I don't think he's had anyone do this 'with' him before... He keeps reminding me that this will end soon...  counting the days...

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K. Hartley
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #10 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:27am
I am in the same boat as you. My husband and I have been married for one year and sometimes I wonder if these headaches will break us apart. He apologized ahead of time that he might act differently..and I remain open minded at all times becasue the last thing to do is get in a fight. I just try to be understanding..even when he turns into a complete jerk sometimes, I know its just the pain talking. You have to be a patient person and trust in the love you share for eachother. Even though it hurts. His pain hurts me..but I love him and will never leave him
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #11 - Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:40am
K. Hartley wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:27am:
I just try to be understanding..even when he turns into a complete jerk sometimes, I know its just the pain talking.

Tell him to stop it. But not while he's having an attack.
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #12 - Feb 23rd, 2010 at 1:32pm
Brew wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:40am:
K. Hartley wrote on Feb 17th, 2010 at 11:27am:
I just try to be understanding..even when he turns into a complete jerk sometimes, I know its just the pain talking.

Tell him to stop it. But not while he's having an attack.

im somewhat polite when im getting an attack. allot of pleases and thank yous. granted allot of cussing and assertiveness but i try to be as nice as i can. i try pretty hard not to distress the people around me. it makes the transition back to normal a little easier when everybody is calm and cool after the attack is over.
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #13 - Feb 24th, 2010 at 9:49pm
I'm a supporter, just like you.  I've been married for almost 28 years, and lived with the beast (CH, not my sweetie!) for about 20 of those years. 

My hubby was chronic for a bunch of those years and I can tell you honestly I spent a lot of time in the basement, in the garage, on the patio, anywhere but where he was having an attack.  He likes to be alone during an attack.  I leave because he wants me to; and then I can cry, or scream into a pillow, or punch soft things until I'm numb.  I've spent a lot of time on the patio crying or deep breathing or whatever suits the day.  I do what he asks and then try to get myself under control. 

While we supporters will never know the pain of a cluster headache, we know intimately the pain of watching a loved one battle this crappy beast day after day.  It ain't easy and certainly not for the faint of heart.  But I can tell you with certainty that understanding each other in this battle can bring you closer together and create a bond unlike any other.  It's worth sticking around.
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CH.com Sponsor

theres no smoking on the

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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #14 - Feb 26th, 2010 at 12:59pm
i would almost say its worse for supporters.
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Tortured  Tom
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #15 - Feb 28th, 2010 at 3:21pm
chsbabydoll wrote on Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:59am:
all of you who suffer from CH are truly the strongest people I know.

We bear it because we must; that is not brave or strong, that's just the will to fight for life.  We don't have a choice yet you do; you don't have to stick around and you don't have to be there for us.  Yet you are. Every single time and THAT is strength.
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Tortured  Tom  
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Re: In Love with a CH and SCARED !!
Reply #16 - Mar 2nd, 2010 at 7:32pm
I think you are probably right there Johnny,
We know how and when to do what we do.
But our loved ones have to guess most of the time.

Keep on trying and supporting.
He'll know your there.
But there's lots of support here if you want it.
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