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We're Back...long time no see. (Read 1515 times)
CH.com Junior


Posts: 57
Las Vegas, NV
Gender: female
We're Back...long time no see.
Feb 12th, 2010 at 7:43pm
Hi CH.com,
Been a while since I've been here, looks to be about April 2008.  after that CH cycle, a little over a year passed before the next one. 
About 4 months ago,  a normal right side cycle for my husban Rick, who has had CH for about 30 years.

A few weeks ago seemed like that cycle was done, and he even went out and had a few beers.  A week or so later a left side cycle hit, which are always way worse for him.

The other day, he had what he called his "worst headache EVER" in the entire 30 years.  As far as pain level and duration of attacks he says this is the worst ever.

He can't eat,  he can't sleep, he's lost over 30 lbs and he's barely holding on.

Here we go again.... I feel so bad for him.

we just got him some kudzu today,  i know it won't take them away, but if it can help with frequency and pain level he's all for that.

more later.....don't know what more to say at this point..... thanks yall.
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CH.com Alumnus

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Goshen, IN
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Re: We're Back...long time no see.
Reply #1 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 10:03am
Sorry to hear the beast is back...he's a SOB for sure.

I'm sure you've looked around to see what's new.  One thing that's helping sufferers is the energy drinks/Red Bull.  Also the 02 delivered with the proper mask at a high flow rate.  Check out the 'oxygen info' button on the left if you haven't already.

Good Luck and remember we're always around to help.
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CH.com Alumnus

San Diego to Florida 05-16-2011

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Re: We're Back...long time no see.
Reply #2 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 10:53am
Thanks so much for checking in for him. As Jackie said, please read the oxygen info tab on the left. A 31 year sufferer here and nothing compares to oxygen. I'm on cycle now I have a half empy E-Tank and 5 full ones sitting in my garage. They're my security blankets. An attack starts, Christy pours me a Red Bull while I fire off the oxygen. Chug the Red Bull, start huffing the oxygen, within 10 minutes I'm pain free. It;s almost scary how fast it kills the pain.

Thanks again for looking out for him I for one would be lost without my supporter.

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CH.com Junior


Posts: 57
Las Vegas, NV
Gender: female
Re: We're Back...long time no see.
Reply #3 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 3:48pm
Thanks yall,  for the words of support.
He's not really into the oxygen,  when we did that last year he didn't like it and felt it didn't help that much.

He's been in a bit of a "nothing helps" mode, but I came home for the weekend (we've been living in 2 cities and commuting) and we did some poking around here and found a couple of new things to try.

Yesterday we got him some kudzu and today we started him on the testosterone gel.

We'll be happy if these can give him a little relief in pain level and frequency as he's been having aprox 8 HA per day in this cycle all 8-10 pain level.

If we can break the cycle, even better.

Seems like nothing works every time or nothing works foever, so we keep trying.

Last year, 1000mg of Taurine with every meal helped break the cycle this year, no effect.  Mushrooms seem to not be working now either like they have before....so we on to the next....

I hope and pray for some relief for my Rick. Kiss
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CH.com Sponsor

I AM a Phoenix!

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San Diego, CA
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Re: We're Back...long time no see.
Reply #4 - Feb 13th, 2010 at 4:40pm
Hey Minx - keep in mind that many before have said the O2 didn't work for them, only to learn they were using too low a flow, or not properly using with a non-rebreather mask. You might want to read up to make sure he's using at least 15 lpm (some need up to 25) and a good mask.

It sounds as though he's really in despair - will keep you both in our thoughts.

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