Hey Barry,
Thanks for the kind words. Measuring saliva pH can be a crap shoot at times as pH levels can and will jump around throughout the day and from day to day. The best way to determine systemic pH using saliva pH as an analog is to do at least three measurements at the same time each day and average them. The sampling technique is also important.
In an attempt to characterize the role of arterial pH in the pathophysiology of cluster headache triggering and abort mechanisms, I conducted a small test by measuring the pH of my saliva before a cluster headache and five minutes after an abort with oxygen therapy at flow rates that support hyperventilation. I also did this over a two-week period to see if there were any trends without any overt change in diet.
I started by collecting saliva pH measurements three times a day as an analog of arterial pH in order to generate a daily average.
I then measured my saliva pH after awakening with a cluster headache and again following the abort with this method of oxygen therapy plus 5 minutes to allow for the saliva pH to equalize with arterial pH. The results of this two-week test are illustrated in the graphic below.
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The green line is my daily average saliva pH computed from measurements taken in the morning prior to breakfast, mid-day prior to lunch, and in the evening prior to going to bed. I rinsed my mouth with water and waited 5 minutes prior to each of these pH measurements to ensure I minimized the effect of any contaminants that could skew the results in one direction or another. For example if you take a swig of Coke or Pepsi then take a saliva measurement it will read very acidic with a low pH.
The red dots and lines in the above graphic represent my saliva pH measurements taken as soon as I awoke with a cluster headache and the blue dots and lines represent the saliva pH measurement taken 5 minutes after the abort with oxygen therapy.
All the cluster headaches occurred while sleeping and were between pain level 3 and 4 on the 10-Point headache (Kip) pain scale. I aborted all of them with oxygen therapy at flow rates that support hyperventilation (35-40 liters/minute) in 3 to 4 minutes to a pain free state.
I also added pulse oximetry readings starting on Day-7 taking readings at the same time as the saliva pH measurements. The results are what I expected. I suspect if I would have had use of a capnometer, I would have seen significantly higher ETCO2 readings than normal upon awakening with a cluster headache. I also expect these ETCO2 reading would be clearly higher than after the abort with oxygen therapy at flow rates that support hyperventilation. The reason for the low ETCO2 readings following an abort with this method of oxygen therapy is simple. This method of oxygen therapy casts of CO2 faster than the body generates it through normal metabolism.
Days 5,10, and 11 I had no CH. During the evening of Day 14 I had three CH. This coincided with the day where my daily average saliva pH was lowest.
As you can see from all of the nights where I had a cluster headache this method of oxygen was able to elevate the pH of my saliva on every attempt.
Granted this data is clearly anecdotal with me being the only study subject. Having said that, the data and results were consistent with what we expected.
Influencing systemic pH with diet and calcium citrate supplements is a horse of a different color as this process is largely metabolic in nature so it occurs at a much slower pace taking several hours where elevating arterial pH with hyperventilation takes only a few minutes.
There's enough medical evidence from a few studies to suggest calcium citrate and citric acid from lemonade or limeade acts as a buffer on the stomach's gastric juices and contents to raise their pH from 2.0 up to a pH of 4.9. There are also a sufficient number of papers claiming a diet of alkaline forming foods can raise systemic pH. See the following link:
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Ultimately, anything that can raise systemic pH to the high end of the normal pH of 7.35 to 7.45 or above should stimulate vasoconstriction and that should help lessen the frequency and intensity of cluster headache.
Take care,
V/R, Batch