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experience with oxygen concentrator machine (Read 797 times)
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west coast, BC, Canada
Gender: female
experience with oxygen concentrator machine
Aug 24th, 2016 at 2:30pm
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My post refers to my husband's relatively brief experience with the machine above. It was rented to us for CAN$196/mo by Vitalaire, our only local crummy oxygen supplier here in western Canada. This was an out of pocket expense for us, as are oxygen cylinders which proved to be extremely expensive last time.

The machine provides oxygen up to 10 LPM with 96% oxygen concentration. One attaches the mask directly to the machine and no cylinder is required.

My husband was in remission for two years due to the anti-inflammation regimen, but got kicked back into cycle due to non-compliance (?). He started using the machine once he had been on the regimen loading doses for a few days and it seems that the cluster headaches are now tapering off.

My husband's experience is that the machine does seem to ward off his headaches. He was getting one severe one per night, sometimes lasting an hour or more. Using the machine for a few minutes did seem to work as an abortive. I do not know whether his headaches were at their maximum strength during the time that we have used the machine. At this point he is only getting the headaches every other night, which I assume is due to the regimen kicking in.

I think it is worth trying a machine like this on a rental basis if one's life and finances are being impacted by dealing with oxygen cylinders all the time. It is nice to not run out of oxygen! My local supplier is a long drive away and the whole process is really complicated. I am the one who has 100% dealt with the oxygen issue, including the billing hassles where Vitalaire horrendously overcharged us.

I would not buy this particular machine. It makes an extremely loud beep during startup, which is super alarming at night. Also, it is quite loud. I think there are probably more sleek and quiet machines out there and I would investigate those.

BUT...I am planning to get really hardcore about Batch's Anti-inflammatory Regimen because I believe that it will work based on my husband having been in remission for two years. I hope to say goodbye to oxygen issues.
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Smiley wife of 48 year old husband who suffers from episodic CH ~ Batch's Anti-Inflammatory Regimen works!
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