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New to All of This (Read 1252 times)
Emma Bach
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New to All of This
Jul 16th, 2018 at 3:19am
Hi, I'm very much a newcomer to both the CH community and to the headaches in general. I'm a student at a university, and I had my first attack in the two weeks right before finals a couple of months ago. I've never had bad headaches in my life before (aside from one or two migraines), and it was a terrible surprise to be having multiple very painful headaches a day, every day, for two weeks while attempting to study and attend class. I went to an urgent care where the doctor made no attempt at a diagnosis, and just handed me some painkillers and told me it would all be gone in the morning. It definitely was not. Then later, I went into the emergency room where they ran a CT scan, made no attempt at diagnosis, and shot me full of painkillers etc. that gave me the worst anxiety of my life before knocking me out. After finals, the headaches went away, so I chalked it up to too much stress and started work for the summer. A month later, the headaches are back, and they're worse. This Friday, on week two of the second go-round with terrible headaches in my temple twice a day on a schedule, with my right eye swelling, I finally admitted that I needed to see a doctor again. They diagnosed me with CH. From what I've been reading, I got lucky to get what seems to be an accurate diagnosis that quickly. The doctor gave me a prescription for a triptan nasal spray, and some steroids to try when I next feel a cluster starting. I have no idea if either will be effective. I've been taking a lot of ibuprofen recently, but after reading more, I have no idea if it's actually helping or if the headaches are just ending on their own and I'm attributing it to the ibuprofen. 

I've been struggling a lot with this diagnosis, and the idea that these headaches might continue for the rest of my life. It's my first year of college, and I live a 23 hour drive from my nearest family member. The appointment I made where I got diagnosed is only the second doctor's appointment I've ever made in my life. I have no idea how to do any of this, and I don't even know how to start. I don't know if I should try to go to a neurologist (honestly I don't know how to do that), or just wait out the end of this cluster and see if anything I've been prescribed works. Thankfully my headaches haven't been as bad as many people have described. They're about at a kip 7 at 2 am and a 6 in the afternoons whenever they hit. Any advice/kind words would be very much appreciated.
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Re: New to All of This
Reply #1 - Jul 16th, 2018 at 9:04am
you have come to a good place for help.
I would recommend reading up on the D3 regimen from Batch, that will help keep the Clusters pain level and frequency down, Some get total pain free from that. You should try to get a blood test dome at the start of that so you have a good idea of what your d3 levels are. You should also look into getting Oxygen prescribed for an abortive. The triptan can help with the pain but the more you take the more clusters it can cause.
Read as much as you can on this and or other sites and ask as many questions as you can. Cluster people love to help each other and will answer just about any question you have. Chances are someone on this site has done that before.
As far as school goes I would just explain to your roommate what you are going through and have them join this site to fully understand this condition. I am sure when you first tell them you have cluster headaches they will say "I get bad headaches sometimes too". It is ok, only clusterheads really understand!

Best of luck to you and stop by often.
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Re: New to All of This
Reply #2 - Jul 16th, 2018 at 1:32pm
I think about the person who is isolated with this condition, that helps me feel a lot better, almost lucky... I feel very sorry for that person. I know that sounds stupid, but to me there is nothing that can be done about the fact that I get them, the lucky part is by reading this site and asking questions I can learn to control it, instead of it controlling me. I can find support here - nobody else understands, they have probably never experienced such pain on a recurring basis.

Sumatriptan:  I asked for injectable triptans and MUCH prefer them over nasal because they work way faster (3-5 min) I have gotten the pens which are great. I also got suma in a vial form, I can get 3 aborts out of one 6m vial. You use the little  needle people use for insulin. Don't be afraid it hurts less than the pen does, find a youtube video on giving yourself a subcutaneous injection. Most docs are not aware this form is available, you can confirm by calling your insurance provider and ask about Sumatriptan 6mg/0.5ml Vial For Inj

I'm not sure if there is any evidence triptans are harmful at all or prolong/intensify cycles, it may be anecdotal to some people's experience though. If there is such a study my apologies, and I would like to see it.

I don't bother with over the counter stuff - ibuprofen might help with shadows, not a headache though. Same as you, I concluded downing pills was 'working' because the attack had just passed on it's own.

I try to abort with O2, that is by far the best if I am at home, I feel great after O2 - get it if you have a need again. Or slam a Red Bull or 5 Hour Energy, works great for me except I'm punchy of course if I had 3 already  Cheesy , but sometimes the simple fact is I must use the triptans. (kip10 night hits)

I can also testify to the d3 Anti-Inflamatory Regimen getting this current cycle under control for me in a few days. If you do the regimen you may have easier cycles when they come again or none at all, for me time will tell.

To see a neuro, you ask your doc for a referral to a headache center or specialist, they have to do this for you. Everyone will urge you to do so. Also hopefully you kept a log, or do one now to your best recollection, then start one if you have another cycle. I do mine in google docs so I can update on my phone. The neuro will want it when you see him. It's best to rule out anything else and get a diagnosis for the future if needed from a neuro for sure!

You can learn to manage this, don't be scared!
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« Last Edit: Jul 16th, 2018 at 2:59pm by DanAge50 »  
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Re: New to All of This
Reply #3 - Jul 17th, 2018 at 8:41am
Hi Emma.
The first thing to do is get a diagnosis from a neurologist - there are many different "headaches" which produce similar symptoms to CH, but respond to different drugs.  You have had a scan, so whilst you didn't get a diagnosis at least you know it's not a tumour.
CH is impossible to diagnose by any method other than trial and error with the meds, because what works for one headache type will not work for another.

If indeed you do have CH, then triptans will work well. The auto injections are by far the best as they work in a few minutes.  Nasal spray works too but not so fast.  Don't bother with the pills - they take too long to get into your system.

Ibuprofen doesn't work for CH, no ordinary painkillers do - not even morphine.  All you will do is to cause yourself further problems with your stomach.

You should also ask the neurologist about 0xygen therapy ( safer than the drugs and works well in about 15 minutes for most) and check out these boards for a vitamin D3 regime which has helped almost every one who's tried it.

Good luck - let us know how you get along.
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