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Violent temperature changes? (Read 12058 times)
CH.com Junior

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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #50 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 12:49am
**Message stricken to hopefully end what has been an already too-ugly thread**
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« Last Edit: Aug 9th, 2008 at 12:59am by GaWd »  
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #51 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 2:56am
Hi Garys_Girl i just have a quick ? for you did the pain managment Dr. start him on the 75mcg/hr fentanyl without building it up from the 25 - 50 patch ?¿?  Terry (i have been using pain meds to help my chronic clusters for over 4 years to help me)
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #52 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 8:40am
You don't build up with the fentanyl patch, you actually start out high and work your way down to the level you need.
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #53 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 11:39am
GaWd wrote on Aug 9th, 2008 at 12:49am:
an already too-ugly thread**

What you may have judged as be ugly may also be seen as an example to many of how one can defensively justify a predicament of addiction because legal prescriptions are given by a doctor.

Garys_Girl wrote on Aug 8th, 2008 at 3:31pm:
He is on prescription medication under the supervision of a pain management doctor - a reputable one - ...

Resulting in your own assessment:

GaWd wrote on Aug 8th, 2008 at 10:03pm:
I have no doubt the man is a full-blown junkie, ...

This is a cluster headache site.  You may see it would be very hard to suggest any aid for CH with the present state of affairs.  What has been termed a distraction by Laurie could be actually preventing much more further assistance.

If the ways and means aren't appealing enough, the intentions of support had once supplied this response from her:

Sometimes Detoxing is the way to go

Garys_Girl   « on: Aug 25th, 2006, 1:08pm »

Well, after the terrible time both hubby and I were experiencing a (month?  few weeks?) ago, I have to say - all the advice to detox was the way to go.  I've got my hubby back.  

It helps that he seems to be coming out of cycle (knock wood).  He's still having about one hit a week with constant shadows - but the detoxing improved his health, spirits, mood and overall temperament by leaps and bounds.  

I just wanted to thank you all for the help, the support - and the suggestions!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That is not ugly.  At present, there is an abundance of support ready and able to make that happen but maybe beyond the scope of this site, but there is.  Suggesting that maybe admitting the situation is a bit more than one alone can right again and pursuing a direction toward that support would be the start of more effective responses toward CH treatment.  


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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #54 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 2:52pm
I been keeping a eye on this topic as it is something  i have experience in all though recreational not medical (been clean 11 years) and i am very disappointed with some on here

While i agree Gary has a problem and i have no problem saying i don't believe it is all down to the pain that he stays on the narcotics we all have to agree that the guy is on them because of this shit that we all have to deal with,thankfully most of us get relief from the normal meds but Gary does not can any of us blame him for his choices we all know the pain of the beast more than we would like to.

i do believe that the narcotics are not the way for him to go and i think he should detox and try the other things hes refusing as i do think he is using this as a excuse to stay on the narcotics, however the fact still remains this is a guy in extreme pain and not just from the beast and deserves more respect than he is getting on this thread.

next time you have a kip 10 and the meds fail i hope you remember Gary and his wife and the pain they are feeling

I know none of you guys are bad people and i know it is hard to help people when they don't seem to help them selves but can we really blame him for getting him self in this bad place hes in all we can be is disappointed for the fact hes unwilling to try some other ways and besides Gary is not the one here asking for help and advice it is his wife and these are not her choices.

Laurie like i said in my PM i don't think these guys mean to be like this they just hate this crap we live with and when someone is refusing to take the proven meds and would rather take addictive meds it hurts these guys as we all feel for every single sufferer.

I think this thread should die now unless anyone has any answers for Laurie on the subject the thread is about.

take care and good luck to you and Gary

PF wishes to you all
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PF Wishes to all.&&We all live with this crap But it is not who we are dont let it control you!!!.
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #55 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 10:47am
To ==Audre== a BTW you do not start at the highest dose no no you have to start at the lowest and increase increase til pain relief occurs. My wife is a CNA on the neuroscience floor and also read this in many of the medical books here at home too. Terry
I have been chronic since Nov 1999 before that 17 years spring and fall only. Currently I wear the 75mcg/hr fentanyl pain patch and get (12) per month from my neuro the 10 mg morphine shots for the bad ones been using this to control my pain for over 3 years and has helped me get thur the days of my life. I can even drive a car 1/2 hour after a shot mow yard whatever I need to do each day. & also I am on SSD cause it wouldnt be fair for me or any employer or workers to to get and try hold a job at this time. Terry
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #56 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 11:45am
gore2424 wrote on Aug 10th, 2008 at 10:47am:
Currently I wear the 75mcg/hr fentanyl pain patch and get (12) per month from my neuro the 10 mg morphine shots for the bad ones been using this to control my pain for over 3 years and has helped me get thur the days of my life. I can even drive a car 1/2 hour after a shot mow yard whatever I need to do each day. 

     Not trying to stir this pot but I bet ya suck at mowing the yard much less driving a car with that much narcotics in your system.

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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #57 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 3:26pm
Ten years un-diagnosed, another ten years 'in the hands of the physicians' and I was probably prescribed every drug known to man, some drugs known only to women, and I still worry about the one marked "Poultry Only - Fines Apply".

In all that time, not one medication served to actually stop a headache - merely to cut it short, only so the remainder could come back to haunt me as quickly as the medication wore off.  

Often this was on top of the next headache, which was coming anyway, so there's a nice day shot to ribbons before it even began and so much for my job.

When things went from baddest to absolute worstest, and then some, I was lucky enough to find a doc who'd inject me with the combo I knew would work.  Details don't matter but narcotics were certainly involved.

To this day I can't tell you whether it actually stopped the headache, or it simply left me so stoned that the headache happened anyway and I wasn't there to recognise it.  

Trouble was, I started to enjoy it.

It's scarey, I know,  but from personal experience I can see how easily a quick-fix can become a monster of its own making.  

As to massive temperature fluctuations, you'd have to talk to my good friend DennyM.

I wasn't there at the time, and I deny everything she says, but it seems part of me was cooking while the rest was on ice as they took me to the hospital.

(At least she had the good sense to put the beer where it mattered and it chilled to perfection.)

As for your bloke, he needs help in making certain decisions for hiself.

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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #58 - Aug 10th, 2008 at 7:52pm
Currently I wear the 75mcg/hr fentanyl pain patch and get (12) per month from my neuro the 10 mg morphine shots for the bad ones been using this to control my pain for over 3 years and has helped me get thur the days of my life. I can even drive a car 1/2 hour after a shot mow yard whatever I need to do each day. & also I am on SSD cause it wouldnt be fair for me or any employer or workers to to get and try hold a job at this time. Terry



Besides the addiction...has anyone here heard of Narcotics rebounds????????  rebounds aren't just from Trex ya know. 

I've been chronic for 21 years.  21 long fucking years with only one or two days reprieve once and awhile.  I've never gone the narcotics route.  I've already got one monkey on my back  with CH...I surely don't  need two.

I won't be opening up this thread again.  It makes me too angry.
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Hurt people.....hurt people.   Think about it.
WWW calientev8 N/A N/A  
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Re: Violent temperature changes?
Reply #59 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 11:39am
I have no problem mowing, driving, living my life on my current meds I have never gotten a rebound headache from what I am taking now and YES I know what they are I used to get them on another med I tried years ago "stadol" its the only med I took myself off of because I loved the high it gave me but hated the rebound headache after. Everyone is different what I use now controls my clusters NOT controls me. Imitrex,O2, stopped working for me from 1995 thur 2001 I have tried 67 different meds in many combos to control my pain in May 2002 I had my trigeminel nerve "CUT" at the Mayo Clinic in Minn. only to get a little over 4 months relief. I have been on current meds for over 3 years now and I have no problem doing whatever I have to do. Terry
BTW I knew I would get slammed for stating what I take to control MY pain but oh well it works for me and thats it bottom line.
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