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Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey (Read 247055 times)
CH.com Alumnus

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #600 - Sep 12th, 2016 at 7:00am

Understand... You've got to do something if any one method of preventing CH doesn't work.  Did you try taking Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL)?  25 to 50 mg every 4 hours can make a big difference in the response to vitamin D3.

You might want to give this a try even while on the steroid taper.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #601 - Sep 13th, 2016 at 6:28am
Dearest BATCH,

Again, thanks for your support and for your wisdom.

I got a short-term Dexamethasone therapy this time. It's 6mg a day for 3 days, which the neurologist (a world class headache expert) really recommended. He says that in combination with 2 daily doses of Naramig, it works almost every time, and the effect usually remains until the verapamil kicks in. I decided to give it a try, mainly because it sounds much less harmful than a 12 day Prednisone taper. Especially since the max possible daily dose of Dexamethasone is 20mg, so 6mg a day should probably be better for me than 60mg of Prednisone.

So far so good - I started the therapy yesterday, and had only one KIP 4-5 attack since which I easily aborted. It's noon of the second day now and I'm 100% PF with no noticeable side effects.

I believe the fact that my OH(25)D3 is around 100ng/ml has a lot to do with the medications being so effective. And of course, not having to use such meds for the past 4 years probably helps (no tolerance).

I did decide, though, to wait a few days before I go back to the regimen and the Diphenhydramine. I guess it will become useful when I'm off the steroids, but until then I think it's better not to mix (I guess frequent use of Diphenhydramine + the Dexamethasone and Verapamil would probably make me sleepy).

Will keep you posted.

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #602 - Sep 13th, 2016 at 10:17am
Hey Shooky,

SLAP - Sounds Like a Plan... a good plan.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #603 - Sep 26th, 2016 at 3:57pm
adamv wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:49pm:
Launching day 1 today of the regimen...fingers crossed for tolerance and results!

Hi everyone,

I'm back after a month since starting the vitamin D regimen.

My application went as follows:

Day 1-5 - 10k D3 plus co-factors to assure tolerance
Day 6-11 20k D3 plus co-factors (was planning to do the 4 week loading schedule)
Day 12-17 50k D3 plus co-factors (switched to 2 week loading schedule)
Day 18-23 40k D3 plus co-factors
Day 24-27 10k D3 plus co-factors
Day 29-32 20k D3 plus co-factors (upped the D3 per some other suggestions I've read since I've had no relief and suspect my serum level isn't high enough yet to make a dent)

Hit the 600k load by 21st day

Tolerance has been good.  Kept track of CH incidents.

I chose to accelerate to the 2 week loading since I had no significant improvements in my first couple weeks.

Prior to starting, I was having 2-3 daily CH in the 6-8 kip range, ramp up 10-15 min, avg 30-45 min duration, with a sneeze usually signaling the peak and starting the downswing of the CH.  Current cycle is in 7th month following a 13 month remission period.  Previous cycles were 4-6 months off and on for several years.

During the month, the time of day shifted for a week due to sleep disruptions, but pattern remained respectively.

Twice I added an antihistime (allegra once, benadryl once), resulting next CH was more intense and lasted twice as long as usual.

3 days of the month were pain free, similar to before the vitamins.

I have not yet had my D3 level tested, but I have it requested from my PCP to get the script.

I have no other medical issue at this time, and the only other med I take for the CH is Excedrin.

My results to this point are No Significant Improvement in frequency or intensity.

Anyone have suggestions/insight at this point other than testing my D3 level?
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« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2016 at 5:51pm by adamv »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #604 - Sep 26th, 2016 at 5:36pm
The vitamin D regimen doesn't work for everyone when in a cycle! It didn't for me, so just persist with it and hopefully like myself you to will become CH free.

Cheers Hoppy
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #605 - Sep 26th, 2016 at 7:11pm
Hey Adam,

Thanks for the detailed feedback and sorry you're not responding to this regimen.   It's been my experience in working with hundreds of CHers that there's almost always a reason why it's not effective for some CHers.

While the raw favorable response rate to this regimen is a little over 80% of the CHers who start it, I've spent the last five years working with CHers who fall into the other 20% and my track record so far is better than average in getting them to respond...

You've taken the right step to obtain your 25(OH)(D serum concentration.  Knowing it will help determine if you need an additional loading dose of vitamin D3, a higher maintenance dose or both. 

As your records are detailed with respect to vitamin D3 dosing, it's reasonable to expect your 25(OH)D serum concentration is around 80 ng/mL...  I've worked with severl CHers who needed to elevate their serum 25(OH)D above 100 ng/mL (under a physicians' supervision with frequent labs for serum 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH). 

What I didn't see is the 3-month course of vitamin B 50 complex.  If you're taking the B 50 now, great.  If not, start it now.  A tablet a day for 3 months only.

That leaves a week to 10-day course of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) as the next step.  Diphenhydramine is a first-generation antihistamine that crosses the blood brain barrier to block H1 histamine receptors.  Allegra (Fexofenadine) is a second-/third-generation antihistamine so is less able to pass through the blood brain barrier to block H1 histamine receptors so will be less effective for CHers in your condition.

I've recently found that Children's liquid Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) can be very effective at lower doses due to the sublingual application.  Several CHers have reported 12.5 mg of the liquid Diphenhydramine, (5 mL in the measuring cap) in the morning and another 12.5 mg an hour prior to bed helps a great deal without becoming too drowsy.  Swirl the contents under your tongue and between your cheeks and gums for 3 to 4 minutes without swallowing.  It's very sweet but tolerable.

If the frequency of your CH drop to zero, continue the liquid Chidren's Benadryl for another day then drop back to one 12.5 mg dose prior to bed for a couple days then discontinue completely.  If the CH kick up again, I'd go back on the liquid Benadryl for another week then taper.

In addition to the Benadryl, pick up a good probiotic.  I take Nature's Bounty Probiotic 10.  Take as directed on the box until the bottle's empty.  It also helps to start taking Vitamin C.  I take a 1000 mg tablet every two hours during the day for a total of 6 grams a day.  I continue taking the vitamin C at this dose until I've been PF for at least a week then drop to one or two tablets a day.

A good diet can also help.  No sugars or bread.  Proteins - fur, fin and feather are ok.  Max out on green, red and yellow veggies plus lots of fresh fruits.  A GOMBS diet is also helpfule.  GOMBS stands for Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Beans-Berries, Seeds - Nuts.  At least a handful of each a day and preferable with each meal.  See the following links:

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If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm chronic and and I do get hit...  Usually as a result of doing a very silly thing once a year...  I stop taking the entire regimen until I get hit.  I call this a burn-down test of my 25(OH)D reserves.  Under normal conditions, it can take a week or more for the CH beast to start making house calls...  On a couple occasions, it only took a day.

Once I get hit or detect the CH beast prowling around, I usually start a loading dose of 50,000 IU/day for 3 to 5 days then taper back down to my maintenance dose of 10,000 IU/day.  I'm usually CH pain free within 12 hours... but there have been a couple occasions where it took a week to 10 days to get completely CH pain free.  What I've given you above has worked every time for me...

Please let us know how all this works for you.

Take care,

V/R, Batch
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« Last Edit: Sep 26th, 2016 at 11:49pm by Batch »  

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #606 - Sep 26th, 2016 at 7:49pm
Thanks Batch for the lengthy response.

I am taking the B50 as suggested in the updated regimen notes, since day 1.

As far as the Benadryl, I've only done the one day test which intensified and extended the CH that occurred while in my system.  I will look at trying the the liquid form next, although I'm a bit nervous given my first experience with it in the 25mg liqui-gel form.

I haven't researched Probiotics enough to proceed on that, but will look into it, as well as the vitamin C and diet suggestions.  I need to be careful NOT to lose weight along the way as I have a very high metabolism and a modest appetite, but I do eat many of the things mentioned in the gombs diet.

You mention swirling the liquid Benadryl without swallowing for 3-4 minutes, but do they swallow it after the swirling?  I noticed that's also half the dose of the liqui-gel, making me wonder if a 1-2 gelcap dose is too much for this situation...

One other question: What percent of your survey respondents had success begin after 30 days of the regimen? (Hoping I have some odds left Smiley

Again, thank you for your wisdom and sharing!

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #607 - Sep 27th, 2016 at 2:23am

Thanks for the feedback and good question on the children's liquid Benadryl.  Yes, swallow what's left.  I've taken the tablet form of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) for over two years during the high pollen count period covering March and April and again in the fall when leaf mold is high.  25 mg in the morning and another 25 mg before bed keeps me CH pain free.

I discovered the Diphenhydramine helped kick start the vitamin D3 and get me back pain free in March of 2015.  Our home is situated in an area I carved out of deep woods with lots of large Alder and Maple trees surrounding the house.  My black pickup takes a hit in the high pollen count March-April period from Alder and Big Leaf Maple trees.

I'd returned from two weeks travel to find my black pickup truck looking like someone had dumped a bag of Portland cement on it... 

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I had the obvious symptoms of allergic rhinitis within a few hours of returning home.  12 hours later, the CH beast jumped ugly. A few days loading vitamin D3 at 50,000 IU/day had no effect.  Then the clue bird made a low pass... Treat the allergy... 

After researching the options and reading a few papers on neurogenic inflammation associated with allergic reactions, I selected Diphenhydramine as a first-generation antihistamine...  It worked.  Less than 24 hours later, I was again CH pain free.

I started posting about my experience with Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) a few days later and so far, several other CHers who have tried it reported similar favorable results. 

I started a burn-down test of my 25(OH)D reserves while fishing in Alaska in August figuring my serum 25(OH)D at 109 ng/mL and the good clean Alaskan air would keep me pain free for at least two weeks or longer.  I was wrong.  Two days after stopping the vitamin D3 I got hit. Not hard, but hard enough to let me know I had a problem.

I had my basic kit of anti-inflammatory regimen supplements but no Benadryl... Then it dawned on me.  We had added a new shed roof to the side of the house a few days earlier and as a part of that process, replaced some siding under the eves that had evidence of water damage.  Behind the siding we found 1940s era news papers that had been used as insulation...  The newspapers were loaded with dried mold... Two days loading vitamin D3 at 50,000 IU day had little effect.  I still got hit once a night.

The small general store in Pelican had no Benadryl tablets but they did have the Children's Allergy Relief liquid Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) so I started it at 12.5 mg (5 mL) twice a day...  The second night after starting it, I was again sleeping CH pain free.

Regarding the probiotic... Nearly 70% of our immune system resides in and around the gut.  A number of RCTs have found keeping the gut healthy and happy with probiotics can have a beneficial outcome by building a stronger immune system.

I checked clinicaltrials.gov and found 781 studies listing probiotics as a method of intervention for a wide array of medical conditions and diseases.  One of these studies is presently enrolling by invitation for the prevention of migraine headache using a probiotic as the intervention.

Regarding your question on how many CHers take longer than 30 days to respond to this regimen, the survey data indicates 10%.  Three of the chronic types took two months to respond.  This is consistent with over five hears of posts from CHers taking this regimen for the first time and having a similar problem like yours.

After some serious reading, it appears that the process of preventing CH with vitamin D3... and Diphenhydramine HCL, conforms to the law of mass action...

At its most fundamental level, the interaction of a drug or nutrient, in this case, 1,25(OH)2D3, the genetically active metabolite of vitamin D3, with its receptors at the genetic level and Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL), follow the law of mass action.  That law dictates that:
  • The combination of drug (also called ligand) and receptor depends on the concentrations of each
  • The amount of drug-receptor complex formed determines the magnitude of the response
  • A minimum number of drug-receptor complexes must be formed for a response to be initiated (threshold)
  • As drug concentration increases, the number of drug-receptor complexes increases and drug effect increases
  • A point will be reached at which all receptors are bound to drug, and therefore no further drug-receptor complexes can be formed and the response does not increase any further (saturation)
There is ample medical evidence that these basic principals of vitamin D3 pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are directly related to the vitamin D3 dose, dosing interval, duration of exposure, the serum concentration of 25(OH)D (both basal and therapeutic level) and the relative density of VDR in target tissues.

That's a long-winded answer to a question you didn't ask directly...  What I'm saying... in simple terms... is stick with this regimen... You're doing the right things...  It could take a bit longer, but the odds are in your favor it will work.

Take care and please keep us posted,

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #608 - Sep 27th, 2016 at 6:04am

In answer to your last question to Batch regarding people who have taken more than the initial 30 days to benefit from the D3 regimen, I fall into that category.

I am chronic and it was at least two months before I began to benefit. Having said that, I had my 25 (OH) D tested at the start and was only at 13 ng.

Therefore, you having a blood test now is very appropriate. Not everyone begins from the same start point.

Good luck and PF days to come,

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #609 - Sep 27th, 2016 at 6:49am
Dearest Batch,

I would like to thank you for your endless help for everyone who has Ch's. you take the time and tell all your knowledge that has worked to stop the pain.

My sincerest thanks,

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #610 - Sep 27th, 2016 at 9:42am
Peter and Hoppy, thanks for your insights and encouragement!

Batch, I appreciate your story and explanations as well as understand your interpretations.  My reading leads to similar conclusions, which is why I'll continue on this path for a while longer and share my findings.

Interestingly I was reminded by your story of my own headache/facial pain history which went like this over the years:

Sinus pain > sinus headaches > migraines > facial pain > trigeminal neuralgia > current cluster headaches

I am lead to believe now this may have always been a form of CH the whole time, with varying symptoms since the age of 20, just not diagnosed as such until recently where the symptoms accurately fit the textbook definition.

Peter's insight gives me hope I still may respond sometime soon  Roll Eyes
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #611 - Sep 27th, 2016 at 6:29pm

It's good to hear you're sticking with this regimen.  I also think you're spot on linking CH and allergic reactions.  In condensing the results from several research papers and studies including one by Dr. Peter Goadsby that found CGRP levels elevated during the pain phase of migraine and cluster headache then connecting the dots, I'm inclined to think histamine plays a role in every cluster headache.  After all, histamine headache was another name for cluster headache.

One paper in particular by A C Rosa and R Fantozzi titled: The role of histamine in neurogenic inflammation published in the British Journal of Pharmacology in 2013, lays out a detailed pathophysiology easily leading to the same conclusion.

"The term ‘neurogenic inflammation’ has been adopted to describe the local release of inflammatory mediators, such as substance P and CGRP, from neurons. Once released, these neuropeptides induce the release of histamine from adjacent mast cells. In turn, histamine evokes the release of substance P and CGRP; thus, a bidirectional link between histamine and neuropeptides in neurogenic inflammation is established."

I liken the "bidirectional link between histamine and neuropeptides" i.e., CGRP as a circular firing squad with our trigeminal ganglia in the middle... If I understand this process correctly, this circular/bidirectional chain reaction happens during every garden variety cluster headache.  It also continues until it runs out of reactants, at which point the headache ends. 

Taking it one step further, if you add the insult resulting from a flood of histamine caused by an allergic reaction elsewhere in the body, the resulting CH can easily become refractory... Even the genetically active vitamin D3 metabolite, 1,25(OH)2D3 cannot resolve one of these cluster headaches at a maintenance dose of 10,000 IU/day and serum 25(OH)D concentrations around 80 ng/mL.

This is where 50,000 iU loading doses of vitamin D3 and Diphenhydramine HCL come into play.  Genetically active 1,25(OH)2D3 has been found to down-regulate/inhibit the production of CGRP in nerve cells.  A first-generation antihistamine like Diphenhydramine passes through the blood brain barrier to block H1 histamine receptors... and this would appear to inhibit the bidirectional chain reaction that triggers the release of CGRP which in turn, triggers the release of more histamine.

Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), one of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in Omega-3 Fish Oil, acts to inhibit proinflammatory mediators so is considered an anti-inflammatory agent...  This is why it is part of the anti-inflammatory regimen.  Doubling the the daily Omega-3 fish oil dose (2 to 4 grams/day) has helped some CHers gain control over their CH.

If push comes to shove, my hole card in regaining control of CH is curcumin.  It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.  400mg/day with food has helped a few CHers regain control of their CH.

So there you have it.  I've gone from hypothesis with a reasoned prediction of a possible causal correlation between a vitamin D3 deficiency and cluster headache, to a working theory that provides a tested and substantiated explanation of the efficacy of vitamin D3 and the cofactors as a CH preventative.  Of course there are likely other factors involved, but this set appears to hit the sweet spot with few detractors. 

I forgot to ask in our earlier exchanges, do you have oxygen therapy available?  My initial intent in developing the anti-inflammatory regimen was to use it to improve my abort times with oxygen therapy...  It just worked too well...

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #612 - Sep 28th, 2016 at 2:04am
Hi again Batch,

For the past 7 months of this cycle, before the vitamin regimen, the only therapy I've used is 2-3 excedrin caplets, mainly to manage the pain to abort an attack in under an hour.
I haven't tried oxygen therapy to-date.  I'm going for a preventative approach at this point.

My previous cycle, interestingly enough, my neurologist and I felt was trigeminal neuralgia and I tried carbamazepine for 3 months with marginal improvement.  We agreed to taper it down to end, and start a gabapentin trial.  Magically, when I finished the taper a week later, the cycle ended and was pain free for 13 months thereafter.

I can say definitively based on my attack symptoms and sequence of sensations, in the current cycle, which is textbook CH, that the trigrminal nerve ganglion and all three branches fire in circular pattern as you mention.  Attack shadow starts in the sphenopalatine area, trigger the trigeminal areas, leads to a throb in the nasal area which fills with fluid, and most of the time leads to a sneeze or two, which usually signals the peak of the attack.  Attack winds down from there.  Pain happens along all three branches of the trig nerve based on what I feel, in a pattern sequence.

Sneeze & histamine are connected, right!

After reading many RCTs and various articles and studies, I agree with your summations and have been looking for my silver bullet for about 5 years now since I first encountered the facial pains that were distinguishable from other other headaches.

Based on some of the studies I'm suspecting a gene polymorphism is involved with VDR, which is why I'm hanging on for this D3 regimen to take hold soon. 

Yesterday was rough, after taking a Benadryl a couple hours before bed, I was awoken by the beast with a kip 8, and had 4 total CH attacks every few hours thereafter.  My personal reaction has been like this twice now, "double trouble", along with a 4-6 hour shift in the time of day when they hit. 

Makes me wonder if I should continue?

Also wonder if the excedrin may be hindering absorption of the vitamins to some degree?  The serum level test should yield some insight.

I think I read that Goadsby study as well Smiley

Still working this puzzle...
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« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2016 at 6:20am by adamv »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #613 - Sep 28th, 2016 at 1:02pm

Thanks for the detailed and learned reply... and copy puzzle...

Sneeze and Histamine can be mutually exclusive.  The sneeze reflex can also also triggered by irritations or phlegm in the trachea not caused by an allergic reaction.

Having cluster headache without oxygen therapy available as an abortive is like bleeding profusely without a blood transfusion available. 

If used properly (with the right breathing technique or adequate oxygen flow rate 15 to 40 liters/minute) and early at the first sign of an approaching attack (even before the pain phase), oxygen therapy can be very effective as a CH abortive with an average abort time of 7 minutes for CH at pain levels 3 through 9. 

If the CH is already at pain level 10, starting oxygen therapy will be useless so hang on... you're in for some heavy sledding.

Ask your neurologist for an Rx for oxygen therapy.  Have the Rx written as follows:

"Oxygen therapy as an abortive for Cluster Headache.  Administer STAT with non-rebreathing oxygen mask at 15 to 25 liters/min for up to 15 minutes at first indication of attack up to 12 X per Day."

If needed, the Diagnostic and Treatment Codes follow:

   ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes:
        Episodic Cluster Headaches – 339.01
        Chronic Cluster Headaches  – 339.02

   ICHD-II Codes:
       Episodic Cluster Headaches – 3.1.1
       Chronic Cluster Headaches  – 3.1.2

    ICD-10 NA Codes:
       Episodic Cluster Headaches – G44.01
       Chronic Cluster Headaches  – G44.02

If needed, the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Codes for Home Oxygen Therapy follow:
               E0424-E0425 Stationary compressed gaseous oxygen system
            E0430-E0431 Portable gaseous oxygen system

           E0441 Oxygen contents, gaseous, 1 month’s supply = 1 unit

           QG - Prescribed amount of oxygen is greater than four liters per minute (LPM)

As to what to try next... I would:

1.  Skip all NSAIDs - Instead, drink a Baking Soda Tonic an hour after each meal and before bed.  The recipe is on the Arm & Hammer box...  1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda in 4 ounces of water (Half a glass)

Rationale:  Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is one of the safest and most versatile substances around; it's useful not only for baking but for countless medicinal and household purposes. 

You may have a low arterial pH (too much acid).  A low pH can increase the frequency and intensity of CH.  The Baking Soda Tonic will help elevate a low arterial pH making it less acid and more alkaline.

2.  Skip the calcium supplement for at least a week,

3. Double the Omega-3 fish Oil dose,

4. Double the magnesium dose (400 mg with breakfast and 400 mg with the evening meal.

5.  As Diphenhydramine HCL is causing an increase in CH frequency, ask your pharmacist for an alternative first-generation antihistamine and dose.

6. Pick up some curcumin.  I've taken 400 mg/day with food.  That much curcumin is equal to three or four chicken curry dinners.

7. Continue taking vitamin C at 1000 mg every two hours. 

8.  See your PCP for another round of labs for serum 25(OH)D, total calcium and PTH.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #614 - Oct 2nd, 2016 at 8:46pm
So, 3 weeks later I'm 100% PF. No attacks since Sep 17. The shadows stopped after a week or so.

This time the treatment I got was a short-course steroid (Dexamethasone) + a daily 240mg Verapamil + 2.5mg Naramig (long half life triptan, that is effective as a prophylactic, especially when complementing other prophylactics).  I'm now gradually going off the meds. There's no noticeable change in my sensitivity to triggers, which is practically non existent at the moment.

It was highly effective (with very minor side effects), which was kind of a surprise considering the high frequency and severity of my attacks just before. I guess having an OH(25)D of over 90ng/ml probably helped. Also, the fact that I didn't use any transitional / prophylactic meds 4 years prior to this episode.

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« Last Edit: Oct 2nd, 2016 at 8:48pm by shooky »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #615 - Oct 7th, 2016 at 10:16am
So, 40 days into the regimen, with a 20k daily maint dose of D3 my 25OHD tested at 90.6.  Current status of my CH attacks: similar frequency (2-4 times a night) with an avg kip down to 4-5 from 7-8 prior to starting regimen.  Time of day has shifted from late afternoon/evenings to overnight/early mornings.  Past week included 2 PF nights where I actually slept thru the night, which is the first 2 day PF week in 7 months.  Outlook is promising, although too early to say a real win.  I can say I had a real bounce in my step after that first full night of sleep without a visit from the beast!

One thing I've noticed is I still sense shadows though out the day and night, but they don't signal an attack as consistently as they used to.

Batch, should I do your survey at this point or should I give it some more time?  Maybe I need to nudge my serum number up a bit more?

Btw, I saw my neurologist yesterday, got scripts for topiramate, oxygen and imitrex injections.  He didn't want me on verapamil since my BP is low.  Getting the oxygen may be a trick, but I'll start the topiramate as a preventive since I have some history of migraine in addition to the CH which has been prevalent the past few years.
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« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2016 at 10:28am by adamv »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #616 - Oct 7th, 2016 at 12:36pm
Hey Adam,

Thanks for the update.  It appears you're starting to respond so it could be just a matter of time before you experience a lasting pain free response.

In the mean time go for the oxygen... The latest oxygen therapy procedure I developed is very effective. Please let me know when you get the oxygen so I can shoot you the step by step procedure and breathing technique.   

Once you get the hang of this method of oxygen therapy and are comfortable aborting CH with it, you might want to try the liquid Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) again for more than a day or two at 12.5 mg in the morning and another 12.5 mg in the evening.

The other things to try are curcumin and vitamin C.  I'd take 400 mg/day curcumin with food.  When I need it, like sensing an approaching cold, sniffles or sore throat, I take a 1000 mg tablet of vitamin C every two hours for a total of six tablets a day. 

Both curcumin and vitamin C are very safe.  Curcumin is a potent natural anti-inflammatory and vitamin C is a natural antibiotic and antiviral with antioxidant properties.

Dealer's choice on taking the survey.  It would be great to know your present 25(OH)D serum concentration.  Without it, we're shooting in the dark.  In other words, if your 25(OH)D is still well below 80 ng/mL, you may not have reached a therapeutic serum concentration.  On the other hand, if your 26(OH)D serum concentration is well above 80 ng/mL, and you're still getting hit, there's something else cooking...  I hope that makes sense.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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« Last Edit: Oct 7th, 2016 at 12:37pm by Batch »  

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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #617 - Oct 7th, 2016 at 2:19pm
Batch, my 25(OH)D tested at 90.6 two days ago as mentioned above, still got hit yday with 3x kip 4 overnight visits.  Last night PF and so far today PF Smiley.  Can't say I have conclusive results yet, that's why I asked about survey timing...

I'll look into your suggestions now that I have a script for oxygen (not sure if my insurance will cover it yet), and the other supplements.

I am kind of curious as to how many survey respondents are totally PF vs. partially improved on frequency/intensity, if you have any breakdown you can share?  I'm beginning to fall into the latter category so far at this point.

Feeling like the frame of the puzzle is coming together now  Smiley

Thanks again!
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #618 - Oct 8th, 2016 at 4:51am

Thanks for the 25(OH)D lab data and good question...  The April 2016 harvest of survey data indicated a raw average of 81.3% of CHers who start this regimen experienced a significant response with a reduction in the frequency, severity and duration of their CH within the first two months.  By significant we're talking a reduction in frequency from an average of 3 CH/24 hours to an average of 3 CH/week or less.

The same survey harvest indicates a raw average of 54.5% of CHers who start this regimen experience a lasting pain free response within the first two months.

The first of the following charts below reflects favorable responses plotted out by day after start of regimen.

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The next chart illustrates the time to a lasting pain free response plotted out by day during the first month after start of regimen.

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I've been working with CHers who needed to higher maintenance doses of vitamin D3 in order to drive their serum 25(OH)D well above 100 ng/mL, some as high as 190 ng/mL in order to experience a lasting CH pain free response. 

Please note that all these CHers were under a physician's direct supervision with frequent labs for serum 25(OH)D, calcium and PTH to ensure they didn't experience hypercalcemia...  a.k.a., vitamin D3 intoxication.

Regarding medical coverage for oxygen therapy... I switched to welders O2 six years ago.  I live on 8 acres of heavily wooded property so oxyacetylene welding is a necessity at times.  After the initial expense of buying the first cylinders from a welding supply outlet ~ $360... my M-size cylinder refills go for $35...  About the same as my copay was with medical insurance.

Welder's O2 and medical oxygen come from the same distillation system so the quality and purity of the oxygen is just the same...  The only real difference is the fill procedures.  Medical oxygen cylinders require a purge with oxygen prior to filling... 

That said I've been to fill facilities and witnessed  medical oxygen cylinders being filled without first purging... Most good oxygen regulators have 10-micron sintered metal inlet filters to prevent particulate matter from entering the mask or demand valve.

Take care, hang in there and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #619 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 12:57am
Hey Batch,

Have you mentioned which Curcumin supplement you're taking? 
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #620 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 3:38am
Hey Slacker,
Curcumin (Turmeric) can be bought in powder form and mixed with warm milk or it can be got in capsules.
Organic is best if possible. there are a lot of options out there.
According to my partner who is an ayurvedic practioner (Indian medicine) the body absorbs the turmeric best when taken in warm milk.
If taken in capsule form, is best with food.
I take 1/2 teaspoon every evening before bed in a mug of warm milk.
Batch may have other suggestions.
All the best
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #621 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 10:56am
thierry wrote on Oct 9th, 2016 at 3:38am:
Hey Slacker,
Curcumin (Turmeric) can be bought in powder form and mixed with warm milk or it can be got in capsules.
Organic is best if possible. there are a lot of options out there.
According to my partner who is an ayurvedic practioner (Indian medicine) the body absorbs the turmeric best when taken in warm milk.
If taken in capsule form, is best with food.
I take 1/2 teaspoon every evening before bed in a mug of warm milk.
Batch may have other suggestions.
All the best

Thought this was an interesting read:

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Based on this info, I'm wondering if the Longvida form might be best suited for our needs.

NOW Foods has a 400mg Longvida Curcumin formula:

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« Last Edit: Oct 9th, 2016 at 10:58am by slacker032 »  
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #622 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 3:44pm
Batch, et. al.,

I just completed the survey since I'm on day 44 now.  Summarizing my conclusions:  25(OH)D tested at near 91, since day 34 frequency of CH attacks down per week by half, Kip levels down avg by half, 3 PF days and 3 nights of uninterrupted sleep!  I'm averaging one day on, one day off from CH events that are less intense thanks to the regimen. 

I'm looking at reducing the D3 now from the 20k/day maint I was doing to your 10k recommended to see how it goes.

Meanwhile pursuing your other suggestions, thanks big time for your wisdom!
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #623 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 6:29pm
Hey Slacker, Thierry,

Great question and topic that deserve both an answer and discussion.

To be honest, I've yet to select a brand (type) of curcumin for the simple reason I've not needed to take it... or at the very least, I didn't think I needed to take curcumin. 

That doesn't mean I haven't researched curcumin.  For example, there have been a total of 136 curcumin studies registered in clinicaltrials.gov, 130 in the last 15 years and 120 such studies in the last 10 years and 84 in the last five years.  I use clinicaltrials.gov as a barometer of interest and as you can see, the interest in curcumin is rising.

More importantly for this discussion, 14 of these studies examined the pharmacokinetics of curcumin preparations, with eight of these studies occurring in the last 5 years.

So let's start with pharmacokinetics, or in simple terms, what the body does to a pharmaceutical or in our case a nutraceutical... food or supplement containing health-giving additives and having medicinal benefit. 

A pharmacokinetic study deals with the absorption, metabolism and tissue distribution as important parameters to render a compound to be used as a therapeutic agent. 

So let's start with absorption of a given substance.  It's measured in terms of serum concentration in weight or molar (molecular weight) concentration per volume of serum, i.e., nanomoles per liter (nmol/L), maximum concentration (Cmax), Time to maximum concentration (Tmax), Time to half-life (T1/2) where 50% of the substance remains in serum, and total area under the curve (AUC) that basically tells us how long we can expect a therapeutic benefit to last and when we would need to take another dose.

Once you've got your head around pharmacokinetics, take a look at the following study selected from clinicaltrials.gov at the following link.  It's a well constructed randomized clinical trial (RCT), randomized, crossover and single blinded (subject), that compares the pharmacokinetics of different curcumin formulations.  Read the graphs carefully as you'll find they use different scales for plasma concentrations.

The strength of an RCT is based on the avoidance of bias.  Moreover, if it is an objective study, it eliminates the Gucci factor of slick promotional adds that attempt to sell refrigerators to nomadic reindeer herders. To that extent, be sure to read the section titled "Conflict of interest."

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If you take the next step to identify a particular product, you need to consider the pharmacodynamics... what the substance does to the body and bang for the buck... I've checked, you'll find a wide range of prices per capsule from 17 cents up to 60 cents.  It also appears curcumin's basic mechanism of action is much like vitamin D3 as it involves genetic expression resulting in the down-regulation of inflammatory agents.

All this still leaves us with the basic question, which brand (type) works best to help prevent CH?

I'll be the first to admit I don't have all the answers and this is clearly the case with Curcumin.  I've tended to lean towards suggesting curcumin formulations containing piperine (black pepper), primarily based on improved absorption and bang for the buck basis.  That said, there are other formulations which result in significantly higher serum concentrations and larger AUCs.

Again, at this point, we still don't know which brand (type) curcumin is best in preventing CH... and therein lies the beauty and strength of this forum...  We try different brands (types) and report the results.

Hope this helps.

Take care,

V/R, Batch
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Re: Anti-Inflammatory Vitamin D3 Regimen and Survey
Reply #624 - Oct 9th, 2016 at 6:37pm
Good stuff, Batch.  I'll be trying the Longvida Curcumin from NOW Foods starting tomorrow and I'll report back with my results.
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