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Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me (Read 44712 times)
CH.com Alumnus


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Perth WA
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #125 - Feb 18th, 2016 at 10:03pm
Hi Marc,
I was pleased to read you have been pain free for 2 years and you have your life back, as do I, and that's because I also found this website, and the help I got. "I was lurking for years  Smiley". I remember posting on here how  by taking one little pill before going to bed could help get some  Smiley and I thought I had started WW111 with the replies that came flying back, but being thick skinned didn't bother me  Smiley and I remember in the past we've agreed to disagree about something or another, but that's what makes life interesting, to hear some ones else point of view without getting up on their high horse and accuse you of sniping, after all, we can't all be walking around with a halo on our head  Smiley.

All the best, Hoppy

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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2016 at 10:44pm by Hoppy »  
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #126 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 12:02am
Thierry wrote,
"Hi Annubis,
I am sure I am not the first person to send you a PM.
I am guessing that there are many of us here who cannot believe the way Potter and then Hoppy have treated you.
I find it unbelieveable that nothing has been done towards Potter by moderators, the only reason I can think of for this non-action towards Potter and then Hoppy is that maybe they contribute financially in a big way to this site.

Smiley I can assure you, the moderators and DJ will be following this thread with eagle eyes. So, if I or Potter had been out of order at any time, believe me, we surely would have known about it. Also, I find your remark towards Potter and I that no action is taken by the moderators is because we contribute financially in a big way, highly offensive.


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« Last Edit: Feb 19th, 2016 at 12:19am by Hoppy »  
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #127 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 2:59am
Hoppy wrote on Feb 19th, 2016 at 12:02am:
...I can assure you, the moderators and DJ will be following this thread with eagle eyes. So, if I or Potter had been out of order at any time, believe me, we surely would have known about it.

G'day, Hoppy, and I'm thrilled you're able to speak outright on behalf of our WebMaster and Moderators.

I can also accept that some newcomers to ch.com might not be perfectly familiar with our Standard of Conduct, but I also suspect it might be a while since some of our older and moldier members have read the same thing.

Little things like,

"Users of this site will be held to a prominent standard of integrity and respect."

"Debate is welcome (and encouraged), but attack ideas and opinions; not personalities."

"Personal attacks or threats against other board members will NOT be tolerated...Calling a member 'troll' or using 'troll' or similar emoticons is considered a personal attack".

All of it has happened in just this one thread while other newbies have fared much worse.

I truly wish them well, where ever they may be now.

Every newcomer to ch.com has sought us out for a reason, most commonly because they suffer this horrible condition we all know so well, and I'll continue to support and defend them against the old guard who know everything, man the fort and stand-by to repel boarders, regardless how much these sufferers might be helped by what we're so happy to tout as the "greatest repository of all CH knowledge".

I don't care why others are here but my name's Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help.

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My name is Brian. I'm a ClusterHead and I'm here to help. Email me anytime at briandinkum@yahoo.com
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #128 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 7:19am
Well said Brian. I was beginning to think that I was the only "fluffy bunny" here.

I too am here to help, in what little way I can, but I'm also still here to learn.

There is no learning value in a debate that has descended into a personal slagging match.


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lancashire Lad
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #129 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 8:54am
So there you have it, you pays your money and takes your chance.

Mushrooms, NAIDS, Triptomines inc 5MeOD, Vitamins, BP Meds, Epilepsy Meds, Oxygen but be sure its the right mask and flow rate, electrical nerve stimulation, RF Ablation, Meditation, hypnotherapy, manipulation, sleep sat up or on the opposite side to the pain, .38 copper sleeved lead etc etc. All have miraculous effects of stopping the beast in his tracks.

Or Mine and Only Mine is the gold standard cure!

I've mentioned it before and it was not meant to be flippant, CH can make you daft. It really can, I know. That much pain with no sight of relief in site can and does wear you down, and the effects on mental health become just another unwanted side effect. It doesn't mean however that fervent zeal for a particular remedy that works for you means it will work for others. It doesn't mean that that you and only you (with the exception of a chosen few) know what its like to have “The Real” CH. And it doesn't mean you should be uncharitable, rude and dismissive of remedies that work for others but not you. It isn't about Me Me Me Me Me.

There are some remedies that carry more risks that others but those who know the pain and the abject terror of facing even one more ordeal means risks are easily taken.

The reason why CH remedies have become a cottage industry is because there is no money in it for the pharmas, sure if a hand-me-down drug happens to work your welcome to it but don't expect them or governments to put their hands in their pockets to find a cure-all.

It really is down to the CH community to supply the expertise in helping sufferers. There are too few qualified experts and even they don't agree on diagnoses. But the CH community mirrors society at large, there are some good guys and there are others. Waiting months to see someone is not always an option and if as an alternative a sufferer turns to this or another CH site and there is a turf war going on over then the site has failed that person, and the people doing the battling are at fault. Plus its just boring to hear. And whilst I'm on the rant just because you have been here years doesn't make you right.

This site has so much going for it, so much positivity, its a pity that mean spiritness and inflated egos often mar the central message of; Help's here if you need it!

Thank you DJ for setting up the site and those on here that helped me when I most needed it
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #130 - Feb 20th, 2016 at 3:10pm
Everybody done acting like little children?
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #131 - Feb 20th, 2016 at 5:49pm
Hoppy wrote on Feb 15th, 2016 at 10:27pm:
This thread has been viewed 1695 times with 91 replies! I would like to hear from folk that are trying your remedy and their results?


Yikes…go away for a while and the snowball really gets going! Had to play an unexpected gig
at the Hoss-piddle just as I was prepared to send this….too thrashed to edit…I’m gonna send
as is…..and comment on the other replies later.....home now since they got tired of my act and sent my saddle home…….

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So…to answer the Hoppy question…

Well…ok….I HAVE….

Over 10 yrs ago….having given up, for 7 yrs, on PCP doctors and their endless scurries to the PDF to find me another useless migraine drug that was expensive…. with heavy side effects…I decided to try naproxen (but NEVER went without O2 on hand). Hey…it’s supposedly the best of the NSAIDS…and it’s OTC so it MUST be safe…right? Add naïve and once desperate to the list of what I am…

For at least 3 months I took the maximum daily dosage…with most fortunately no ill effects….and
unfortunately MINIMAL  beneficial effects on CH (maybe help with shadows). Now hang on…don’t start typing yet…I was ALSO on a version of the D3 regimen (very close to current)…having started that years before for a completely different heath condition. It had no discernible effect on my CH…was never intended to….and I never considered what a successful treatment it could be for so many. Kudos to batch for dedicated perseverance. I have told him I’m one of the what…20%.... for whom (I think) it does not work. Though I absolutely maintain it for previous stated purpose, “insurance”, and the increasing evidence for other beneficial effects.

When I finally returned for medical attention shortly after that…having found a neuro who totally understood CH…she related to me exactly what ‘benefits” (maybe stopping tiny hits (she didn’t know from clusterhead terminology “shadow”)) I was receiving from naproxen…before I told her anything but that I was taking it….and insisted I STOP. “This is very dangerous with little benefit”….. So, we have ‘battling neuros…what’s new? I totally respect her opinion, she gets it, and is a nationally recognized headache specialist. Later on, I had a discussion with a Ph.D. Pharmacologist (researcher)….he was of the same opinion re naproxen.

I’ve done my research…you’ve done yours…we both made personal choices that only affect us….I will repeat my previous stated concern…naproxen…even in Vivomo form…. is known to cause gastro, cardio, and renal problems…it’s right in the FDA lit… …add to that the esomeprazole…which is now linked to dementia, heart disease and kidney disease, among others. I think…and my opinion…is: I don’t want fellow clusterheads diving into a dangerous pond based on one person’s enthusiasm….not without a whole lot of careful consideration. I DON’T trust Docs to be careful enough…the best PCP I ever had was tops in all regards except one…..if I asked for, mentioned, suggested….or even discussed a med….she had the pad out ready to write a script. I had to be REAL careful. I suspect she got so tired of being hammered by folks who watch the stinking evil Pharma ads that she gave up. Yes, it was a bad fault…

Now, back in the old days on this forum…even before I was considered a jerk…the attitude that “it doesn’t work for ME….therefore it doesn’t work” was prevalent and frustrating. The power of persistence and success of alternate O2 treatment methods, alternate medicine, D3 and others kinda quieted that right down. I will state, unequivocally, that I did not and do not ascribe to “if not for me than for nobody”. This one, however, has potential for real danger…and I am puzzled by the amount of attention it has received…much more than even brain implant surgery (YIKES!)…. without the same amount of concern and caution. It got to be a little wild here on occasion.  Maybe it’s a reflection on the mature calm acceptance that the family has achieved…that is…. besides curmudgeons like myself….dunno…I’ll continue to say what I think….. until they won’t have me anymore….

Now then, if ya wanna talk about dangerous alternatives for CH treatment….consider chemo. So far, for ME, it has worked the best of any treatment ever….a side effect so to speak?  I am still chronic… but its only daily shadows for the past 3 years now (alas tho, it could be age, or D3, or chance, or who knows??????) Whatever, I am NOT recommending intentional attempts to prove one way or the other…………….



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« Last Edit: Feb 20th, 2016 at 6:08pm by jon019 »  

The LARGE print giveth....and the small print taketh away.    Tom Waits
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #132 - Feb 20th, 2016 at 6:17pm
Marc wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 8:22pm:
I find it strange how people come here and insist that some of us are idiots, because "they have the cure for their type of headache."  That reminds of the surgeon who said that he got cluster headaches when he bent over too long during a long surgery, and had to take a nap to end it.

I was chronic for more than 14 years with actual CH's. If a person actually has CH's, they will fully understand when I say that I was exploring the dark and scary places in the deepest recesses of my mind. Because of the collective information on THIS site, I have not had a real CH in more than two years now. Yes, I get some really minor twinges/warnings, but......

THERE IS NO WAY that I can begin to explain what it is like to get my life back after 14 years of agony beyond my wildest imagination. Yes, really - it is that amazing. The MOST important part of my post is: The people who were the hardest on me, were the MOST effective in making me explore the options.

Pissing in the wind? Bigoted naysayers?  If you get your delicate feelings hurt on the internet, grow up, grow a pair and get over it. Been there and done that! I got all "butt chapped" a couple of times and deleted myself - before I grew up a little.

If a person spends the time to research the information available here, they will find a way to better manage their CH's.

I repeat for the folks looking for help: THIS IS THE PLACE.

Read, look, research and listen. If you get your feelings hurt, decide if CH's or your feelings are more important - before you run away crying.

People who care very deeply about the subject tend to be the most assertive and protective of this site. They worry about new people getting sucked into false narratives and suffering longer...............

Then there is the Fluffy Bunny crowd who doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, under any circumstances.


So good to see you posting again...I been worried...you so quiet!

I was hammered a few times myself "back in the day"...some eye opening pm's...even quit one time.
Then...and I don't know the originator...sorry...they said: "take what you need and leave the rest".
Holy smoking rockets Batman....what a concept...I think I'm buying!!!! Now when I get cranky and say stupid shit...I just hope the anger is at me....and not the site......................


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The LARGE print giveth....and the small print taketh away.    Tom Waits
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #133 - Feb 20th, 2016 at 6:55pm
lancashire Lad wrote on Feb 19th, 2016 at 8:54am:
So there you have it, you pays your money and takes your chance.

Mushrooms, NAIDS, Triptomines inc 5MeOD, Vitamins, BP Meds, Epilepsy Meds, Oxygen but be sure its the right mask and flow rate, electrical nerve stimulation, RF Ablation, Meditation, hypnotherapy, manipulation, sleep sat up or on the opposite side to the pain, .38 copper sleeved lead etc etc. All have miraculous effects of stopping the beast in his tracks.

Or Mine and Only Mine is the gold standard cure!

I've mentioned it before and it was not meant to be flippant, CH can make you daft. It really can, I know. That much pain with no sight of relief in site can and does wear you down, and the effects on mental health become just another unwanted side effect. It doesn't mean however that fervent zeal for a particular remedy that works for you means it will work for others. It doesn't mean that that you and only you (with the exception of a chosen few) know what its like to have “The Real” CH. And it doesn't mean you should be uncharitable, rude and dismissive of remedies that work for others but not you. It isn't about Me Me Me Me Me.

There are some remedies that carry more risks that others but those who know the pain and the abject terror of facing even one more ordeal means risks are easily taken.

The reason why CH remedies have become a cottage industry is because there is no money in it for the pharmas, sure if a hand-me-down drug happens to work your welcome to it but don't expect them or governments to put their hands in their pockets to find a cure-all.

It really is down to the CH community to supply the expertise in helping sufferers. There are too few qualified experts and even they don't agree on diagnoses. But the CH community mirrors society at large, there are some good guys and there are others. Waiting months to see someone is not always an option and if as an alternative a sufferer turns to this or another CH site and there is a turf war going on over then the site has failed that person, and the people doing the battling are at fault. Plus its just boring to hear. And whilst I'm on the rant just because you have been here years doesn't make you right.

This site has so much going for it, so much positivity, its a pity that mean spiritness and inflated egos often mar the central message of; Help's here if you need it!

Thank you DJ for setting up the site and those on here that helped me when I most needed it

LL...what a remarkable post...I agree with every word.

While I may say things harshly, or in a humor only I see, or in another's eye, stupidly or mean....or whatever. I say it because I'm a member of a club that I don't want to be in...and I don't want family harmed by what (granted) I think is harmful. I can learn...and I can progress....but there are certain things that are just wrong and/or dangerous.... and should be pointed out lest newer/less experienced family get sucked into a quagmire. Do I need remind older members of Danny and his like?


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« Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2016 at 2:07am by jon019 »  

The LARGE print giveth....and the small print taketh away.    Tom Waits
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #134 - Feb 20th, 2016 at 10:58pm
thierry wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 4:33am:
  maybe they contribute financially in a big way to this site.


Yep I invested all the money I took out of my microsoft and fb stock and bought into chdotcom a site that costs DJ money to keep up.
  Maybe you should ask him yourself.


I been thinking about this...and it brought to mind Jonny. If ya been here a while ya know him...if not...well..ya missed a hurricane. Anyway...he used to say something like we all have an obligation...not a "fleeting feel like" to support the site. WHATEVER your view on life...CH...or whateverTF....this site is THANKS to one remarkable man...who I have NO DOUBT has LOST money in the process...and SAVED lives!. There is a saying...I paraphrase: "who has saved a single soul...has saved the world entire".  DJ has done WAY so much more than that.

Jonny also used to say...."look at the bottom of this page...there is a paypal button...USE IT!" I have...but not nearly enough...there shouldn't be anyone on this site who doesn't have a receipt for same...can you find THIS anywhere else? Paypal!!!... brothers and sisters.........

And Potter...damn-nit...I live in Seattle...I REMEMBER Microsoft, Starbucks, maybe a coupla others...when they went IPO. I coulda bought at the bottom...but I am my Father's son...his idea of investment...with the $20 extra bucks he ever had... was "where are the  hard" assets?...if not, what's there to invest in? I wasn't gonna!. SHeeeee-it...he' s gone and I'm broke. I sure hope you didna sell..................


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« Last Edit: Feb 21st, 2016 at 1:54am by jon019 »  

The LARGE print giveth....and the small print taketh away.    Tom Waits
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #135 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 10:15am
lancashire Lad wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 6:36pm:
Hi Anubis

If you get the impression you are pissing against the wind on here, you would be correct. But the wind bags are few, however bigoted the nay sayers, you were right to put up your solution, it would have mean for you not to. For you to be attacked for doing so is not mean just plain crass.

This site may have helped save my life. I was in a great deal of difficulty and some of the advice was spot on , though some was less than helpful.

I dip in from time to time to see if things have moved on, they haven't. CH is incurable! no one knows what causes it! it is the worst pain known to man! and GP's don't know what they are talking about! neuros aren't much better! but if you find a headache specialist who tell you what you want to hear and it conforms with the views of some of eminences on  here you are in safe hands!

Lets cut some of the crap; CH does not have a single cause and there is no single panacea. NSAIDS can and do help.

My problem was a multi headache syndrome which culminated, at its worst, with CH. I had got up to a 10 and it kept on going.

I now know what causes my HA's, there is a cure but its not one I need to opt for at the moment (transected / cauterised nerves – top of neck 20mm into skull, 20mm to left from centre back).

I now juggle with amitriptyline (former depression drug) used as a nerve block, normally 40mg once per day plus NSAID  (indomethacin 25mg – 150mg per day with gut protector)). And I can control most headaches, Downside Indo gives me a full HA (both sides at back) Amitript not good with booze.

Personal body chemistry and specific impaction of nerve(s) plus other biological factors will determine what works for the individual. The “experts” are still groping in the dark with primary (don't know what causes it) and secondary (THINK they know what causes it). The truth is the current classifications of HA's are holding back the science. There is too much width in some of the diagnoses that means an individuals HA could have 2,3, 4 more causes and diagnoses. Internal blood pressure vs atmospheric pressure seems an obvious antagonist by either a blood vessel  growing through increased pressure and pressing on a nerve or the same blood vessel growing through drop in atmospheric pressure resulting in the same pressure on a nerve.

Your fix works for you and therefore may well work for others therefore don't be put off from getting your fix out their to people who may benefit.  Let the D3ers believe what they want to (D3 is a anti-inflammatory but also helps in the reduction of BP and assists with elasticity of blood vessels – studies show too much can be as harmful as too little – the experts can't yet agree on where too much / little lies). Oxygen also works on modifying the diameter of blood vessels.

There are some on here that hold that CH is a badge of honour, then there are some of us who wish not to have it and encourage others with our stories of success.

Thank you very much for your words of support, lancashire Lad, they hearten me greatly.

I did try Amitriptyline very briefly (basically on its own), but it didn't seem to stop my CHs, just give me a >very< deep sleep, which certainly was welcome, but I couldn't get out of bed until 2:00 in the afternoon! Smiley It's interesting that it seems to help you out.

Interesting that you are using another NSAID (indomethacin) with a protein pump inhibitor. Have you tried pairing that NSAID with some D3? Couldn't hurt, and I'd very much like to hear if you get any additional relief from the synergistic combination of the two. It would probably take about 2-4 weeks to build up your D3 levels, but in theory, you should notice nearly immediate further reduction in inflammation levels by combining the D3 with indomethacin.
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #136 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 11:58am
Here ya go, maybe you could run your regimen by these folks.

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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #137 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:45pm
jon019 wrote on Feb 20th, 2016 at 5:49pm:
Hoppy wrote on Feb 15th, 2016 at 10:27pm:
This thread has been viewed 1695 times with 91 replies! I would like to hear from folk that are trying your remedy and their results?


Yikes…go away for a while and the snowball really gets going! Had to play an unexpected gig
at the Hoss-piddle just as I was prepared to send this….too thrashed to edit…I’m gonna send
as is…..and comment on the other replies later.....home now since they got tired of my act and sent my saddle home…….

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So…to answer the Hoppy question…

Well…ok….I HAVE….

Over 10 yrs ago….having given up, for 7 yrs, on PCP doctors and their endless scurries to the PDF to find me another useless migraine drug that was expensive…. with heavy side effects…I decided to try naproxen (but NEVER went without O2 on hand). Hey…it’s supposedly the best of the NSAIDS…and it’s OTC so it MUST be safe…right? Add naïve and once desperate to the list of what I am…

For at least 3 months I took the maximum daily dosage…with most fortunately no ill effects….and
unfortunately MINIMAL  beneficial effects on CH (maybe help with shadows). Now hang on…don’t start typing yet…I was ALSO on a version of the D3 regimen (very close to current)…having started that years before for a completely different heath condition. It had no discernible effect on my CH…was never intended to….and I never considered what a successful treatment it could be for so many. Kudos to batch for dedicated perseverance. I have told him I’m one of the what…20%.... for whom (I think) it does not work. Though I absolutely maintain it for previous stated purpose, “insurance”, and the increasing evidence for other beneficial effects.

When I finally returned for medical attention shortly after that…having found a neuro who totally understood CH…she related to me exactly what ‘benefits” (maybe stopping tiny hits (she didn’t know from clusterhead terminology “shadow”)) I was receiving from naproxen…before I told her anything but that I was taking it….and insisted I STOP. “This is very dangerous with little benefit”….. So, we have ‘battling neuros…what’s new? I totally respect her opinion, she gets it, and is a nationally recognized headache specialist. Later on, I had a discussion with a Ph.D. Pharmacologist (researcher)….he was of the same opinion re naproxen.

I’ve done my research…you’ve done yours…we both made personal choices that only affect us….I will repeat my previous stated concern…naproxen…even in Vivomo form…. is known to cause gastro, cardio, and renal problems…it’s right in the FDA lit… …add to that the esomeprazole…which is now linked to dementia, heart disease and kidney disease, among others. I think…and my opinion…is: I don’t want fellow clusterheads diving into a dangerous pond based on one person’s enthusiasm….not without a whole lot of careful consideration. I DON’T trust Docs to be careful enough…the best PCP I ever had was tops in all regards except one…..if I asked for, mentioned, suggested….or even discussed a med….she had the pad out ready to write a script. I had to be REAL careful. I suspect she got so tired of being hammered by folks who watch the stinking evil Pharma ads that she gave up. Yes, it was a bad fault…

Now, back in the old days on this forum…even before I was considered a jerk…the attitude that “it doesn’t work for ME….therefore it doesn’t work” was prevalent and frustrating. The power of persistence and success of alternate O2 treatment methods, alternate medicine, D3 and others kinda quieted that right down. I will state, unequivocally, that I did not and do not ascribe to “if not for me than for nobody”. This one, however, has potential for real danger…and I am puzzled by the amount of attention it has received…much more than even brain implant surgery (YIKES!)…. without the same amount of concern and caution. It got to be a little wild here on occasion.  Maybe it’s a reflection on the mature calm acceptance that the family has achieved…that is…. besides curmudgeons like myself….dunno…I’ll continue to say what I think….. until they won’t have me anymore….

Now then, if ya wanna talk about dangerous alternatives for CH treatment….consider chemo. So far, for ME, it has worked the best of any treatment ever….a side effect so to speak?  I am still chronic… but its only daily shadows for the past 3 years now (alas tho, it could be age, or D3, or chance, or who knows??????) Whatever, I am NOT recommending intentional attempts to prove one way or the other…………….



Thank you for your feedback, jon019.

Don't know what to tell you. I'm still CH-free -- not a single one since Nov. 2nd 2015 after over a year and two months chronic. Perhaps the missing ingredient for me was the re-regulation of my sleep cycles using melatonin in large doses, simultaneously with the D3/Vimovo regimen? I don't know. All I know is that the D3+Vimovo has really been keeping my inflammation levels down and my CHs completely away, even without the melatonin. I've been taking some 5-HTP for the last couple of weeks instead of nightly melatonin. Seems to make me feel sleepy enough at bedtime, while letting me wake up better in the morning.

As for the 'FDA lit', here's a link I came across:

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Also, I've googled esomeprazole and can't seem to find any of the warnings you've mentioned about it. Not saying you're wrong, but just that I can't seem to find anything myself on this. I'm NOT saying Naproxen can't harm somebody with a tendency for stomach ulcers, but according to this, the dangers have been overstated. I promise I will report it the minute I get a CH while on this treatment, but so far, it has been the single most effective treatment I've yet taken in 9 years, including verapamil, prednisone, amytriptaline, vassopresin, Ibuprofen by itself, high dose D3 without NSAIDs, etc. etc.
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« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2016 at 1:19pm by anubis44 »  
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #138 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:48pm
anubis44 wrote on Feb 17th, 2016 at 2:41pm:
Nope ten years pf.  I Bust em with something far safer than naproxen.


Potter, I had understood your use of the word 'bust' to mean that you abort CHs with something like Oxygen at the earliest sign of one. Is this incorrect? Are you saying you have an effective preventative treatment?

  What you know about clusters you could put in a thimble.  You obviously don't read my replies.


I asked you a simple, polite question. How about a simple, polite answer instead of more insults?
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #139 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:53pm
anubis44 wrote on Feb 15th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
  I only push O2 and mooshies I like safe.


Bully for you. Some of us want to be able to go out WITHOUT hauling around an oxygen tank. And better yet, not get any CHs in the first place.

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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #140 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 12:53pm
Here ya go, maybe you could run your regimen by these folks.

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Was thinking of doing that, but I wanted to hear a bit of feedback from some more experienced CH'ers on here first.
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lancashire Lad
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #141 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 1:07pm
Kind words Anubis

FOR ME, Indo worked on its own for a while but the long term side effects are not good and can create quite a nasty (but tolerable) HA across the whole of the back of my head but stops a CH from taking hold.

Amitrip on its own @ 40/50mg lessons the other HA's I have and for most of the time keeps CH away.

The other HA's I get are Hemicrania Continuum (Left) and Cervicogenic (L) in head neck and shoulder. I get migraines full head, v little pain just aura. Used to be a growing zigzag line bright silver or multicoloured that eventually bend into a circle, effectively blinding me until it goes. That was until I used these two meds I'm talking about, since then the aura is at the extremes of my vision and just a grey waving at a frequency of a cooler fan.

Amitrip does take some getting used to even at the low dosage, I can't imagine what its like to take the higher doses that are used for depression, it would do my head in. And if you drink with it you need a bed nearby.

D3 I tried before I tried these two drugs without any benefit probable because I refused to take it at the most elevated doses that is sometimes advised on here. Its worth me trying again at say 10K /day

I suspect that D3 shows benefit to CH sufferers because of 2 effects. And if you consider a cause of CH can be blood vessels pressing on a nerve it makes sense.

1) D3 impacts on blood pressure, too little and blood vessels become stiff and BP rises, enough and excess makes blood vessels more elastic and reduces BP.
2) D3 is an anti inflammatory.

These two together could explain why CH commonly occurs at times when the sunlight is rationed by the seasons. Also a drop in atmospheric pressure results in blood vessels growing until things settle down. (imagine taking  balloon filled with air or other gas into a hyperbaric chamber and turned the pressure up, the balloon gets smaller, as you reduce the pressure it gets bigger.

But D3 does lots of other things and one is the production of various nitric oxide (NO) products, these are good but not at high levels which causes an exacerbation of Alzheimer's disease. The research continues and other studies lay weight to the connection.

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Some on here lay great store in the miraculous properties of D3 whilst dismissing the potential dangers thrown up by the research as quackery. I understand sticking with something that stops CH, I do not understand the unqualified rejection of scientific studies but we are not all the same. Thank goodness.

I did have a falling out on here because of the pushing of D3 as “perfectly safe” when the research shows no such thing. I see nothing wrong with promoting D3 as long as the potential risks are highlighted.

I am sure there is a safe level which is above the normally accepted high, I don't know what that level is and neither does anyone else. I am not talking about , Hypervitaminosis D which is reversable, Iam talking about the long term  extremely high usage where NO has the potential to do permanent damage.

I apologise in advance of kicking off another turf war (if that comes to pass) but I think it best that the full truth is debated and not just parts of it. A little learning is a dangerous thing!

ps Indometh and Amitript can both be dagerous and cause unpleasnat side effects but I know that and am happy to take them because although I still get HA's I haven't had one CH episode since I first started them.
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #142 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 1:57pm
lancashire Lad wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 1:07pm:
Kind words Anubis

FOR ME, Indo worked on its own for a while but the long term side effects are not good and can create quite a nasty (but tolerable) HA across the whole of the back of my head but stops a CH from taking hold.

Amitrip on its own @ 40/50mg lessons the other HA's I have and for most of the time keeps CH away.

The other HA's I get are Hemicrania Continuum (Left) and Cervicogenic (L) in head neck and shoulder. I get migraines full head, v little pain just aura. Used to be a growing zigzag line bright silver or multicoloured that eventually bend into a circle, effectively blinding me until it goes. That was until I used these two meds I'm talking about, since then the aura is at the extremes of my vision and just a grey waving at a frequency of a cooler fan.

Amitrip does take some getting used to even at the low dosage, I can't imagine what its like to take the higher doses that are used for depression, it would do my head in. And if you drink with it you need a bed nearby.

D3 I tried before I tried these two drugs without any benefit probable because I refused to take it at the most elevated doses that is sometimes advised on here. Its worth me trying again at say 10K /day

I suspect that D3 shows benefit to CH sufferers because of 2 effects. And if you consider a cause of CH can be blood vessels pressing on a nerve it makes sense.

1) D3 impacts on blood pressure, too little and blood vessels become stiff and BP rises, enough and excess makes blood vessels more elastic and reduces BP.
2) D3 is an anti inflammatory.

These two together could explain why CH commonly occurs at times when the sunlight is rationed by the seasons. Also a drop in atmospheric pressure results in blood vessels growing until things settle down. (imagine taking  balloon filled with air or other gas into a hyperbaric chamber and turned the pressure up, the balloon gets smaller, as you reduce the pressure it gets bigger.

But D3 does lots of other things and one is the production of various nitric oxide (NO) products, these are good but not at high levels which causes an exacerbation of Alzheimer's disease. The research continues and other studies lay weight to the connection.

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Some on here lay great store in the miraculous properties of D3 whilst dismissing the potential dangers thrown up by the research as quackery. I understand sticking with something that stops CH, I do not understand the unqualified rejection of scientific studies but we are not all the same. Thank goodness.

I did have a falling out on here because of the pushing of D3 as “perfectly safe” when the research shows no such thing. I see nothing wrong with promoting D3 as long as the potential risks are highlighted.

I am sure there is a safe level which is above the normally accepted high, I don't know what that level is and neither does anyone else. I am not talking about , Hypervitaminosis D which is reversable, Iam talking about the long term  extremely high usage where NO has the potential to do permanent damage.

I apologise in advance of kicking off another turf war (if that comes to pass) but I think it best that the full truth is debated and not just parts of it. A little learning is a dangerous thing!

ps Indometh and Amitript can both be dagerous and cause unpleasnat side effects but I know that and am happy to take them because although I still get HA's I haven't had one CH episode since I first started them.

lancashire Lad,

Obviously, I can't say anything about your other HA's. On the subject of the CH's however, I will reiterate that I am completely convinced it is an inflammatory, rather than a neurological condition at this point. In a CH sufferer, I believe the tissues surrounding the trigeminal become inflammed by an excess production of prostaglandins, which are produced by the catalysation of arachidonic acid into prostaglandin by the enzyme COX-2. In short, CH sufferers almost certainly are producing excess quantities of COX-2. COX-2 is the exact enzyme produced by your body when you subject your tissue to trauma, such as banging your thumb with a hammer, or when you sprain your ankle, causing it to swell.

My notion is that something in the bodies of CH sufferers is detecting 'trauma' (probably erroneously) in the tissues surrounding the trigeminal nerve, and is producing and sending vast quantities of COX-2 out to these tissues. The COX-2 catalyses arachidonic acid into prostaglandin, and causes the tissue to swell and constrict the trigeminal nerve, much like a boa constrictor. The D3 in 10,000iu dosage (I sometimes double it to 20,000iu) reduces the production of COX-2, and an NSAID like Ibuprofen or the Naproxen in Vimovo, reduces the catalytic efficiency of the remaining COX-2 that does get produced. That's why there is strong synergistic effectiveness when they are combined.

One quick and simple way to see if the D3+NSAIDs will work for your CHs is to take 3 doses of Ibuprofen (I took 2x400mg Ibuprofen) with one of the Ibuprofen doses taken concurrently with the D3 (at least 10,000iu D3 daily), three times daily for several days, just to see if it stops your CHs. I tried this when I was over a month and a half on the D3, and took the Ibuprofen in the morning, at lunch, and after dinner, and it stopped my CHs almost immediately. The key is to take the Ibuprofen+D3 BEFORE you even start to get a CH, not in the hopes it will abort a CH that's already starting. If this does indeed work for you, it's highly probable the D3+Vimovo would also work, as the Naproxen in the Vimovo is really just a slower release (12-24 hours) NSAID formulation than the 4-6 hour Ibuprofen. It's very important to understand that the key is the D3+the NSAID. Either one on its own will not be potent enough as an anti-inflammatory.

Best wishes to you!
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #143 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:08pm
Annubis wrote:

As for the 'FDA lit', here's a link I came across:

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Also, I've googled esomeprazole and can't seem to find any of the warnings you've mentioned about it. Not saying you're wrong, but just that I can't seem to find anything myself on this. I'm NOT saying Naproxen can't harm somebody with a tendency for stomach ulcers, but according to this, the dangers have been overstated. I promise I will report it the minute I get a CH while on this treatment, but so far, it has been the single most effective treatment I've yet taken in 9 years, including verapamil, prednisone, amytriptaline, vassopresin, Ibuprofen by itself, high dose D3 without NSAIDs, etc. etc.

Ummmm...note the date on that NBC report...2004. Recent and multiple news reports are not so sanguine. Re "FDA lit"...the following link was the second I opened following a Bing search (typed in Vivomo). I USED to so love Google...but as you have also apparently found, the results are lacking. There are multiple other links of interest.

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A few months back I started taking omeprazole on occasion....and as is the case with any med I take I researched it thoroughly. The problem seems to be with extended use...so I will take care....as the reports are ominous. We've already discussed the same for naproxen.......



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« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:14pm by jon019 »  

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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #144 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:32pm
jon019 wrote on Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:08pm:
Annubis wrote:

As for the 'FDA lit', here's a link I came across:

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Also, I've googled esomeprazole and can't seem to find any of the warnings you've mentioned about it. Not saying you're wrong, but just that I can't seem to find anything myself on this. I'm NOT saying Naproxen can't harm somebody with a tendency for stomach ulcers, but according to this, the dangers have been overstated. I promise I will report it the minute I get a CH while on this treatment, but so far, it has been the single most effective treatment I've yet taken in 9 years, including verapamil, prednisone, amytriptaline, vassopresin, Ibuprofen by itself, high dose D3 without NSAIDs, etc. etc.

Ummmm...note the date on that NBC report...2004. Recent and multiple news reports are not so sanguine. Re "FDA lit"...the following link was the second I opened following a Bing search (typed in Vivomo). I USED to so love Google...but as you have also apparently found, the results are lacking. There are multiple other links of interest.

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A few months back I started taking omeprazole on occasion....and as is the case with any med I take I researched it thoroughly. The problem seems to be with extended use...so I will take care....as the reports are ominous. We've already discussed the same for naproxen.......




Thanks. Yes, I did notice the date of 2004 on the NBC report. I figured, however, that most of the real scare-mongering about Naproxen pre-dated this report, and it appears I'm right. I did have a look at the link you sent me, and it is a reprint of the manufacturer's official legal disclaimer. As I've mentioned on this thread, I think a lot of Americans don't realize how incredibly litigious their society is. With all due respect, I am not completely discounting the possibilities mentioned in the disclaimer, but I will point out that people sue each other over hot coffee in the United States because it was hot. It is entirely understandable that the manufacturer of an NSAID would plaster their product with butt-covering warnings, just in case somebody happens to die who shouldn't have been taking it. In the US, just one successfully argued court case could utterly ruin the company. Unfortunately, the rampant paranoia in the United States only leads individuals to interpret the manufacturer's warnings as likely the 'sugar-coated' version of perceived even greater likely undisclosed dangers, and hence, we get into this ridiculous situation where people think the real dangers of a product like Vimovo are probably even worse than the almost outrageously assertive legal disclaimer, which is already exaggerating the dangers for the sake of legal protection.

The fact is, if you look at how many people have actually had Naproxen attributed as the primary cause of death, the number is fewer than for Aspirin or Ibuprofen in the 10 years leading up to 2014. I want everybody to really think about that. Naproxen killed fewer people than ASPIRIN or ADVIL. That tells me almost all I need to know. I'm not saying their is absolutely nothing bad about Naproxen, I'm just saying my research is telling me that the actual danger from this drug is dramatically less than the manufacturer's warning might appear to indicate, and I'm not even taking straight Naproxen, I'm taking an even safer version of it.
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« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2016 at 3:39pm by anubis44 »  
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #145 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 7:04pm
Anubis wrote, The fact is, if you look at how many people have actually had Naproxen attributed as the primary cause of death, the number is fewer than for Aspirin or Ibuprofen in the 10 years leading up to 2014. I want everybody to really think about that. Naproxen killed fewer people than ASPIRIN or ADVIL. That tells me almost all I need to know. I'm not saying their is absolutely nothing bad about Naproxen, I'm just saying my research is telling me that the actual danger from this drug is dramatically less than the manufacturer's warning might appear to indicate, and I'm not even taking straight Naproxen, I'm taking an even safer version of it.

                              THE END
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #146 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 9:39pm
Other than certain elements of this thread that DJ has commented on, this has been an extremely good one in that different medications are being discussed along with hypothesis as to how they might work, potential side effects and much more.

This sort of discussion is incredible in that we're bringing together people with a strong interest in making improvements to how we deal with CH (since we all have it) and we are working off the science.

Please do keep the discussion going like this and a thank you for all those contributing to this topic.
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #147 - Feb 22nd, 2016 at 11:31pm
This has been one long thread "Trying at times" and my personal opinion is "Everything has been said that has to be said, time to move on, it's a no win situation"  Smiley

Hoppy Smiley
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« Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2016 at 11:32pm by Hoppy »  
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lancashire Lad
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #148 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 6:23am

I have a great deal of respect for you and agree with most of what you say and the balanced way you usually put your side, you're a long server and have contributed a great deal compared with my offerings and short the spell I attended and since been an infrequent (silent until now) visitor.


Just where do you suggest we / they move onto? Everything has been said when a newbie can come on here and find a fix that everyone agrees on. And there can be a win win situation that arises from this thread.

Namely, (and I will condense what I have to say to keep this brief, in doing so I may offend, but you know me from old and it not a barrier for me)

I am sure DJ's explanation of why this site was created is understood. It has however evolved, which is natural. It now is a resource of many things to many people. The old timers who have or haven't found a source of relief but feel an obligation to stay around and offer their expertise, knowledge, comfort and support to newcomers who are struggling to cope. There are those who use the site as R&R to chill out with people they have an extremely strong common bond with whilst offering help to weary strangers that drop by. And it is this group that may cause some of the friction amongst newbies who either put up a fight or run away. The impression of hostility is unintentional I know but when a group of mates get together regularly over a number of years they form their own group personality, language, etiquette and limits of acceptable behaviour.

Newbies like I was are impressed by the welcome in awe of the advice and humbled by the scale of the problem (although perversely relieved that Its Not Just Me!). But the downside is there appears to be an innate intolerance to change of the status quo, if it hasn't already been invented here it doesn't work.

I may be wrong but that is how it comes across and that impression is the antithesis of what I think everyone on here wants to achieve. To Help Others!

Having said that there are trolls, personality disorders, closed minds and twats that need to be dealt with.

What I have said is not meant as a detrimental criticism, the behaviour on here is human and probably laced with more frustration than the majority of other social groups. It is threads like this assist with the evolution of the site.

I wish you well and I am sure you will help many others as you did me.

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« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 6:31am by lancashire Lad »  
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Re: Vimovo/D3/melatonin - 100% effective for me
Reply #149 - Feb 23rd, 2016 at 9:27am
G'day Peter,
The reason I posted that reply was! I posted this on the 14th Feb, This thread has been viewed 1695 times with 91 replies! I would like to hear from folk that are trying your remedy and their results?

It's now been viewed 3281 times and 149 replies, and only one reply from someone that has tried this medicine, a negative one at that. So, I was just of the opinion everything that can be said about Vimovo has been said (the for and the against) so now's the time to let folk make up their own mind to give it a go or not.

By the way, nice to hear from you again.


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« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2016 at 3:50pm by Hoppy »  
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